An Obsidian plugin that dynamically highlights text based on selection or search query.
This plugin currently only works in the Source or Live Preview editor modes. For now it will not affect Reading mode or the Legacy Editor.
If there is no active selection, all occurences of the word underneath the current cursor position will be highlighted
- Word matching is case insensitive
- The word currently under the cursor will be marked with
- Occurences of the current word found elsewhere in the document will be marked with
- All occurences will recieve the
data attribute which will hold the current word value
If there is an active selection, all occurences of the text inside the selection will be highlighted.
- String matching is case insensitive
- The currently selected string will be marked by default with
- Occurences of the currently selected string found elsewhere in the document will be marked with
- All matches will recieve the
data attribute which will hold the selected string value
Persistent highlights are created by defining a search query and associating a CSS class name and color. Once defined, any string that matches the search query will be marked with the associated CSS class and will receive background color that matches the chosen color.
Search queries can be written using regular expressions as long as you toggle the regex option for the query.
You can define as many unique highlighters as you'd like as long as the class names are unique. Performance may be impacted when creating a large number of complex regex queries so be mindful of your regex complexity.
You can import the examples with the Import
Button at the top right of the plugin's settings.
Highlights double spaces, empty list markers, double list markers, preceding spaces, and trailing spaces.
"Mini-Linting": {
"class": "Mini-Linting",
"color": "#A70F0F38",
"regex": true,
"query": " {2,}(?!\\|| |$)|- - |^\\s*- \\n|^ +(?![0-9-`])",
"mark": [
"css": ".cm-line .Mini-Linting {\n background: none;\n}\n\ .Mini-Linting {\n outline: 1px solid var(--text-error);\n}"
"Filler-Words": {
"class": "Filler-Words",
"color": "#2D801838",
"regex": true,
"query": "\\b([Aa] bit|[Aa]bsolutely|[Aa]ctually|[Aa]nd all that|[Aa]nd so forth|[Aa]nyway|[Bb]asically|[Cc]ertainly|[Cc]learly|[Cc]ompletely|[Dd]efinitely|[Ee]ffectively|[Ee]ntirely|[Ee]ssentially|[Ee]vidently|[Ee]xtremely|[Ff]airly|[Ff]rankly|[Ff]requently|[Gg]enerally|[Hh]opefully|[Kk]ind of|[Ll]argely|[Ll]iterally|[Mm]ore or less|[Mm]ostly|[Oo]ccasionally|[Oo]ften|[Oo]verall|[Pp]articularly|[Pp]erhaps|[Pp]ossibly|[Pp]ractically|[Pp]recisely|[Pp]resumably|[Pp]retty|[Pp]rimarily|[Pp]robably|[Pp]urely|[Qq]uite|[Rr]arely|[Rr]ather|[Rr]eally|[Rr]elatively|[Ss]eriously|[Ss]ignificantly|[Ss]imply|[Ss]lightly|[Ss]omehow|[Ss]ort of|[Ss]pecifically|[Ss]trongly|[Ss]upposedly|[Ss]urely|[Tt]he fact that|[Tt]otally|[Tt]ruly|[Tt]ypically|[Uu]ltimately|[Uu]sually|[Vv]ery|[Vv]irtually|[Ww]idely)\\b",
"mark": [
"css": ".cm-line .Filler-Words{\n\ttext-decoration: line-through;\n\tbackground: none;\n\tcolor: var(--text-muted);\n}\n\n/* where to disable */\ .Filler-Words,\n.pdf-annotations .cm-line .Filler-Words {\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\tcolor: unset;\n}"
"Pandoc-Syntax": {
"class": "Pandoc-Syntax",
"color": "#77787C4A",
"regex": true,
"query": "::: \\{.*?\\}[\\s\\S]*?:::",
"mark": [
"css": ""
The delay before highlighting is applied after moving the cursor
A comma delimited list of words that will not be highlighted
The default list can be found here:
- There is currently no support for dynamic highlights in reading/preview mode.
- Only strings with 3 or more characters will be highlighted in selection highlight mode
Thanks to @chrisgrieser aka @pseudometa for the plugin idea and feedback. Thanks to @chetachiezikeuzor for the plugin settings UI code which was inspired by