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rhgndf edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 4 revisions

List of displays and their initialisations.

Please keep the list sorted alphabetically.

Adafruit HX8257 PiTFT Plus TFT LCD Screen


Commands (taken from

# Adafruit HX8257 PiTFT Plus TFT LCD Screen
# width=480,height=320

command 0x01  # _SWRESET and Delay 100ms
delay 100

command 0xB9 0xFF 0x83 0x57  # _SETC and delay 500ms
delay 250
delay 250

command 0xB3 0x80 0x00 0x06 0x06  # _SETRGB 0x80 enables SDO pin (0x00 disables)
command 0xB6 0x25  # _SETCOM -1.52V
command 0xB0 0x68  # _SETOSC Normal mode 70Hz, Idle mode 55 Hz
command 0xCC 0x05  # _SETPANEL BGR, Gate direction swapped
command 0xB1 0x00 0x15 0x1C 0x1C 0x83 0xAA  # _SETPWR1 Not deep standby BT VSPR VSNR AP
command 0xC0 0x50 0x50 0x01 0x3C 0x1E 0x08  # _SETSTBA OPON normal OPON idle STBA GEN
command 0xB4 0x02 0x40 0x00 0x2A 0x2A 0x0D 0x78  # _SETCYC NW 0x02 RTN DIV DUM DUM GDON GDOFF

command 0xE0 0x02 0x0A 0x11 0x1d 0x23 0x35 0x41 0x4b 0x4b 0x42 0x3A 0x27 0x1B 0x08 0x09 0x03 0x02 0x0A 0x11 0x1d 0x23 0x35 0x41 0x4b 0x4b 0x42 0x3A 0x27 0x1B 0x08 0x09 0x03 0x00 0x01
command 0x3A 0x55  # _COLMOD 16 bit

# Command 36h sets the read order from frame memory to the display panel
# Remember to swap width/height on 0/180 rotations
#command 0x36 0x00 # rotation 0
command 0x36 0xA0 # rotation 90
#command 0x36 0xC0 # rotation 180
#command 0x36 0x60 # rotation 270

command 0x35 0x00  # _TEON TW off
command 0x44 0x00 0x02  # _TEARLINE
command 0x11 # _SLPOUT
delay 150

command 0x36 0xA0
command 0x29 # _DISPON 
delay 50

Adafruit ILI9341 PiTFT TFT LCD Screen


Commands (taken from

# Adafruit ILI9341 PiTFT TFT LCD Screen
# width=320,height=240

command 0x01  # Software reset
delay 128

command 0xEF 0x03 0x80 0x02
command 0xCF 0x00 0xC1 0x30
command 0xED 0x64 0x03 0x12 0x81
command 0xE8 0x85 0x00 0x78
command 0xCB 0x39 0x2C 0x00 0x34 0x02
command 0xF7 0x20
command 0xEA 0x00 0x00
command 0xc0 0x23  # Power control VRH[5:0]
command 0xc1 0x10  # Power control SAP[2:0];BT[3:0]
command 0xc5 0x3e 0x28  # VCM control
command 0xc7 0x86  # VCM control2

# Command 36h sets the read order from frame memory to the display panel
# Remember to swap width/height on 0/180 rotations
#command 0x36 0x88 # rotation 0
command 0x36 0xE8 # rotation 90
#command 0x36 0x48 # rotation 180
#command 0x36 0x28 # rotation 270

command 0x37 0x00  # Vertical scroll zero
command 0x3a 0x55  # COLMOD: Pixel Format Set
command 0xb1 0x00 0x18  # Frame Rate Control (In Normal Mode/Full Colors)
command 0xb6 0x08 0x82 0x27  # Display Function Control
command 0xF2 0x00  # 3Gamma Function Disable
command 0x26 0x01  # Gamma curve selected

# Set Gamma
command 0xe0 0x0F 0x31 0x2B 0x0C 0x0E 0x08 0x4E 0xF1 0x37 0x07 0x10 0x03 0x0E 0x09 0x00  
command 0xe1 0x00 0x0E 0x14 0x03 0x11 0x07 0x31 0xC1 0x48 0x08 0x0F 0x0C 0x31 0x36 0x0F
command 0x11  # Exit Sleep
delay 120
command 0x29  # Display on
delay 120

Adafruit ST7789 MiniPiTFT LCD and TFT Bonnet


Commands (

# Adafruit ST7789 MiniPiTFT LCD and TFT Bonnet
# width=240,height=240

command 0x01  # _SWRESET and Delay 150ms
delay 150

command 0x11  # _SLPOUT and Delay 10ms
delay 10

command 0x3A 0x55  # _COLMOD and Delay 10ms
delay 10

command 0x36 0x08  # _MADCTL Botton->Top Refresh
command 0x21  # _INVON Hack and Delay 10ms
delay 10

command 0x13  # _NORON and Delay 10ms
delay 10

# Command 36h sets the read order from frame memory to the display panel
# Remember to swap width/height on 0/180 rotations
#command 0x36 0x00 # rotation 0
command 0x36 0xA0 # rotation 90
#command 0x36 0xC0 # rotation 180
#command 0x36 0x60 # rotation 270

command 0x29  # _DISPON and Delay 500ms
delay 250
delay 250

Sainsmart 1.8" TFT LCD Screen

Product: (Discontinued)

Commands (taken from fb_st7735r):

# Sainsmart 1.8" TFT LCD Screen
# width=160,height=128,width-mm=35,height-mm=28

command 0x11 # exit sleep mode
delay 120

command 0xB1 0x01 0x2C 0x2D # FRMCTR1
command 0xB4 0x07           # INVCTR
command 0xC0 0xA2 0x02 0x84 # PWCTR1
command 0xC1 0xC5           # PWCTR2
command 0xC2 0x0A 0x00      # PWCTR3
command 0xC5 0x0E           # VMCTR1

command 0x3A 0x05 # pixel format RGB565

# Command 36h sets the read order from frame memory to the display panel
# Remember to swap width/height on 90/270 rotations
command 0x36 0xA0 # rotation 0
#command 0x36 0xC0 # rotation 90
#command 0x36 0x60 # rotation 180
#command 0x36 0x00 # rotation 270

# gamma
command 0xE0 0x0F 0x1A 0x0F 0x18 0x2F 0x28 0x20 0x22 0x1F 0x1B 0x23 0x37 0x00 0x07 0x02 0x10
command 0xE1 0x0F 0x1B 0x0F 0x17 0x33 0x2C 0x29 0x2E 0x30 0x30 0x39 0x3F 0x00 0x07 0x03 0x10

command 0x29 # display on

ST7796S 4.0" TFT LCD Screen


Commands (taken from

delay 120
command 0x01
delay 120
command 0x11
delay 120
command 0xF0 0xC3
command 0xF0 0x96
command 0x36 0x48
command 0x3A 0x55
command 0xB4 0x01
command 0xB6 0x80 0x02 0x3B
command 0xE8 0x40 0x8A 0x00 0x00 0x29 0x19 0xA5 0x33
command 0xC1 0x06
command 0xC2 0xA7
command 0xC5 0x18
delay 120
command 0xE0 0xF0 0x09 0x0b 0x06 0x04 0x15 0x2F 0x54 0x42 0x3C 0x17 0x14 0x18 0x1B
command 0xE1 0xE0 0x09 0x0B 0x06 0x04 0x03 0x2B 0x43 0x42 0x3B 0x16 0x14 0x17 0x1B
delay 120
command 0xF0 0x3C
command 0xF0 0x69
delay 120
command 0x29