AiiDA plugin for the Supercell K-space Extremal Area Finder (SKEAF) code.
pip install aiida-skeaf
verdi quicksetup # better to set up a new profile
verdi plugin list aiida.calculations # should now show your calclulation plugins
Here goes a complete example of how to submit a test calculation using this plugin.
A quick demo of how to submit a calculation:
verdi daemon start # make sure the daemon is running
cd examples
./ # run test calculation
verdi process list -a # check record of calculation
An exemplary verdi node show
Property Value
----------- ------------------------------------
type SkeafCalculation
state Finished [0]
pk 137264
uuid 92d3ff92-9ab4-4828-9794-4172d7dcad50
ctime 2022-03-01 19:12:16.157988+00:00
mtime 2022-03-01 19:13:28.369793+00:00
computer [2] localhost
Inputs PK Type
---------- ------ ----------
bxsf 137262 RemoteData
code 137230 Code
parameters 137263 Dict
Outputs PK Type
----------------- ------ ----------
frequency 137268 ArrayData
output_parameters 137267 Dict
remote_folder 137265 RemoteData
retrieved 137266 FolderData
A frequency vs angle plot can be found in examples/results/example_01.png
git clone .
cd aiida-skeaf
pip install flit
flit install -s .[pre-commit,testing] # install extra dependencies
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v # discover and run all tests
See the developer guide for more information.