This repository contains the data used in our papers:
- A Virtual Reality Muscle–Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation in Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study
- Available in data
- Coming Soon...
- Available in Tele-REINVENT_data
Similar to our previous work (Vourvopoulos, A., et al., 2019) data was acquired using the Labstreaming Layer protocol, and thus recorded as independent streams of data timestamped and saved as .xdf files.
The folder data contains .mat files that correspond to the extracted .xdf files after normalizing (downsampling or interpolating) all signals to a common sample rate of 1000 Hz. Data was stored in individual files for each participant (sXX), during each session (tXX) and per block of trials. E.g.: file s03t04_block_5 corresponds to Participant 3's fifth block of the fourth training session.
For all recordings, EMG electrodes were placed over:
- Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR)
- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
- Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECR)
- Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU)
For the neuromuscular control task, EEG electrodes were placed following the 10-10 convention over:
- FC3
- FC4
- C3
- C4
- C5
- C6
- CP3
- CP4
Files sXXtXX_extension_X.mat and sXXtXX_extension_X.mat contain a single data structure with the following fields:
- sampleRate of 1000 Hz for all signals, except gripEMG
- timeStamp of each data point in seconds
- 4 channels of EMG data recorded from FCR, FCU, ECR, ECU
- 8 channels of EEG data recorded from FC3, FC4, C3, C4, C5, C6, CP3, CP4
- The target the participants were asked to follow
- The error = Expected position (target) - cursor position
- gripEMG: 4 channels of EMG recorded during the power grip.
- Note that gripEMG was not downsampled. This field has a sample rate of 2000 Hz
Files sXXtXX_block_X.mat contain a single data structure with the following fields:
- sampleRate of 1000 Hz for all signals, except gripEMG
- timeStamp of each data point in seconds
- 4 channels of EMG data recorded from FCR, FCU, ECR, ECU
- markers of events happening in the VR environment
- Current trial number
- Current block score
- ERthreshold used by the interface to calculate success
- Note that for Participant 1, we did not have implemented the real-time recording of the threshold.
- gripEMG: 4 channels of EMG recorded during the power grip.
- Note that gripEMG was not downsampled. This field has a sample rate of 2000 Hz
The folder Tele-REINVENT_data contains .mat files that correspond to the extracted .xdf files after normalizing (downsampling or interpolating) all signals to a common sample rate of 1000 Hz. Data was stored in individual files for each session.
For all recordings, EMG electrodes were placed over:
- Wrist extensor muscle
- Wrist flexor muscle
Files session_X.mat contain a single data structure with the following fields:
- session number
- sampleRate of 1000 Hz for all signals
- mvc with the time and EMG signals during the recorded calibration
- time of each data point in seconds
- 2 channels of EMG data recorded from the extensor and flexor muscles
- Current trial number
The file sensors2020data contains the processed data used to create the figures and statistical comparisons shown in Marin-Pardo et al., 2020.
The file sensors2021data contains the processed data used to create the figures and statistical comparisons shown in Marin-Pardo et al., 2021.
Vourvopoulos, A., Pardo, O. M., Lefebvre, S., Neureither, M., Saldana, D., Jahng, E., & Liew, S. L. (2019). Effects of a brain-computer interface with virtual reality (VR) neurofeedback: a pilot study in chronic stroke patients. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, 210.
Marin-Pardo, O., Laine, C. M., Rennie, M., Ito, K. L., Finley, J., & Liew, S. L. (2020). A Virtual Reality Muscle–Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation in Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study. Sensors, 20(13), 3754.