V5RPC module for the Simuro5v5 platform. Written in Julia.
Install Julia.
Run following command in Julia REPL:
]add https://github.com/npuv5pp/V5RPC.jl
Every strategy type is a subtype of Strategy
Suppose we have
struct MyStrategy <: Strategy end
Then the following overloaded methods can be given. For more information, refer to the V5RPC documentation.
on_event(::MyStrategy, ::Int32, ::V5RPC.EventArguments)::Nothing
get_team_info(::MyStrategy, ::typeof(Version.V1_1))::String
get_instruction(::MyStrategy, ::V5RPC.Field) # returns [(l, r), ...] or (wheels, V5RPC.ControlType.Reset)
get_placement(::MyStrategy, ::V5RPC.Field) # returns [(x, y, rotation), ...]
Then construct a V5Server
and run it.
run(V5Server(MyStrategy(), 20000))