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A command-line utility for generating random passwords, passphrases, and raw keys. #nsacyber


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RandPassGenerator 1.3.3

The RandPassGenerator Java application is a simple command-line utility for generating random passwords, passphrases, and raw keys. It is designed very conservatively to ensure that the random values it provides offer full cryptographic strength requested by the user.

Build Information

To build the RandPassGenerator jar file, use the Oracle Java SDK; any recent version should be fine.

Go to the directory containing build.xml, and run ant as shown below.

ant jar

This will create build/jar/PassGenerator.jar. Copy the jar file to somewhere convenient where you want to generate passwords or passphrases.

cp build/jar/PassGenerator.jar $HOME

Usage Information

To use RandPassGenerator, you'll need the Oracle Java Runtime Environment; any recent version should be sufficient, but at a minimum version 9 is recommended.

The RandPassGenerator can run from a terminal or console. The command-line syntax is simple:

java -jar PassGenerator.jar  [options]


-v {Print verbose messages during operation, in addition to logging}

-str S {Use generation strength of S bits (default: 160)}

-pw N {Generate N random password of the specified strength}

-pp N {Generate N random passphrases of the specified strength}

-k N {Generate N random keys of the specified strength}

-enc {Encrypt generated random key using a random password that is at least a 16 characters (256-bit AES) and write to file named the Key ID (KEY_ID.enc). A prompt for a random password to us will appear. Users should generate a random password to use for encryption prior to generating keys. ("java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pw 1 -str 96" will generate a 16 character password).}

-decrypt {Decrypt encrypted key file using a random password that is at least a 16 characters and save as text file (KEY_ID_decrypted.txt). A prompt for the name of the encrypted file to decrypt will appear, then a prompt for the random password to use will appear.}

Unusual options:

-pplen M {When generating passphrases, longest word should be M letters long (minimum value of M is 3)}

-ppurl U {Use the URL U to load words for passphrase (default: use internal list). Words must be at least 3 letters long.}

-pwcs P {Use character pattern P for characters to use in passwords (lowercase, uppercase, number, special character, or combination)}

-pwcustom F {Use the specified file F as the source of a custom character set; F must be readable}

-log F {Log all operations to the log file F (default: ./randpass.log)}

-out F {Write output to file F (default: writes to stdout)}

-c N {Format output passwords and keys in chunks of N characters}

-sep S {For chunk formatting, use S as the separator (default: -)}

-rcc N {For passphrases - impose random camel-case; randomly uppercase the first N letters (default: 0)}

At least one of the options -pw, -pp, or -k must be supplied. The keys, passwords, or passphrases produced by RandPassGenerator will be written to the standard output (stdout), so they can easily be redirected to a file. The -out option can also be used to write the output to a file. All messages are written to the standard error (stderr).

Detailed log messages are appended to the specified log file - if the log file cannot be opened, then the tool will not run.

Note that the -pwcs option is a little strange. Each character in the value represents a full set of characters. Any lowercase letter means "add a character set of all lowercase letters", any uppercase letter means "add a set of all uppercase letter", any digit means "add a set of all digits", and anything else means "add a set of all punctuation marks". Normally, you should not use the -pwcs option, you should let RandPassGenerator use its default character set.

If you want a fully custom character set, use the -pwcustom option. For this option, you provide a file. Each printable character in the file is taken as a character for a custom password character set. Non-printable characters like TAB or NEWLINE are ignored. Note that the set is de-duped, so even if the letter 'A' appears six times, it acts as if it appeared once. The -pwcustom and -pwcs options may not be used together, at most one of them may appear for a given invocation of RandPassGenerator.

The random camel case option (-rcc N) applies only when generating passphrases using the -pp option. Using -rcc N will apply uppercase at 50% chance to the first N letters of each passphrase word. By default the value for this option is 0, which means that no uppercasing will be applied. For a value of 1, only the first letter of each word might be transformed to uppercase, for 2, only first and second letter, etc. Note that camel case can add entropy to the passphrase, but that the entropy strength does NOT take camel case into account because it varies too much.


Example 1: generate 5 random passwords using the default mixed character set, at default strength of 160, saved into file GoodPasswords.dat

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pw 5 >GoodPasswords.dat

Example 2: generate 20 random passphrases using the default dictionary, at strength of 256, with verbose messages, using words up to 9 letters long, and output saved into the file passphrases.txt

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -v -pp 20 -str 256 -pplen 9 >passphrases.txt

Example 3: generate 200 random keys at strength of 192, with logging to keygen.log, and output to mykeys.out.

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -k 200 -str 192 -log keygen.log -out mykeys.out

Example 4a: generate 100 passwords at strength 160, using a character set of lowercase letters and digits, with output redirected to hi-quality-stuff.txt

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pw 100 -pwcs "a0"  >hi-quality-stuff.txt

Example 4b: generate 100 passwords at strength 96, using a custom character set, and verbose output messages

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pw 100 -str 96 -pwcustom MyPwdChars.txt -v

Example 5: generate 10 passwords at strength 128, formatted into chunks of five characters each, separated by /.

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pw 10 -str 128 -c 5 -sep /

Example 6: generate 1 random key at strength 256, and encrypt to file using random password.

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -k 1 -str 256 -enc

Example 7: Decrypt encrypted key file.

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -decrypt

Example 8: generate 6 passphrases at strength ~100, but using base strength of 94 plus random upcase of first letter

java -jar PassGenerator.jar -pp 6 -pplen 7 -str 94 -rcc 1


The foundation of RandPassGenerator is an implementation of the NIST SP800-90 Hash DRBG. It uses entropy, carefully gathered from system sources, to generate quality random output. The internal strength of the DRBG is 192 bits, according to NIST SP800-57, using the SHA-384 algorithm. In accordance with SP800-90, the DRBG is seeded with at least 888 bits of high quality entropy from entropy sources prior to any operation.

This implementation uses the seed mechanism of the Java SecureRandom class for gathering entropy. This implementation performs self-tests at every execution, so that users can be confident that no library problems have affected operation. Two kinds of self-tests are performed:

  1. Known-answer tests from the NIST Hash_DRBG verification suite test file.
  2. Simple statistical tests on DRBG output.

If the tests don't pass, the tool reports failure and refuses to run.

The strength mechanism implemented here is quite simple. For passwords, the size of the character set used defines the bits-per-character, and password length is then computed to meet or exceed the requested strength (typically, this is somewhere around 5-6 bits per character). Similarly, for passphrases the size of the usable dictionary defines the bits-per-word, and passphrase length is then computed to meet or exceed the requested strength (for the default dictionary and settings, roughly 16 bits-per-word). Duplicates are eliminated and the entropy is computed based on the number of unique characters or words.

The RandPassGenerator tool performs extensive logging. By default, log entries are appended to the local file "randpass.log". No actual key data, random data, or seed data is written to the log file.








A command-line utility for generating random passwords, passphrases, and raw keys. #nsacyber








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