This is a collection of notes and tools from reverse engineering the AKAI MPK261 controller. I don't have access to other 2 series controllers, but I wouldn't be surprised if things were similar...
Disclaimer: Use of this material can possibly void your warranty, brick your controller, or both!
License: Do whatever you want, but include a link to
To use python script(s), you will need rtmidi
. On my OS X machine, the following was sufficient:
brew install rtmidi
pip install python-rtmidi
All numbers below in hex
akai sysex header
f0 47 00
mpk261 byte
command byte
10 : program dump/load (presumably to non-volatile memory)
20 : query address in global memory (payload = address)
21 : query address in program memory (payload = address)
30 : load data at global address (payload = address, data)
30 00 [n+3] nn xx xx yy : load global address x with n bytes y
returns 38 00 04 nn xx xx zz, zz = 0x00 on success, 0x01 on failure it seems
31 : load data at program address (payload = address, data)
31 00 [n+3] nn xx xx {yy[0]..yy[n-1]} : load program address x with n byte array yy
return 39 00 04 nn xx xx 00 on success (01 on fail?)
38 : response from controller after command 30
39 : response from controller after command 31
2 byte payload size (MSB of low byte packed in high byte)
sysex end
Omitting the f0 47 00 25
header and f7
program dump yy (1-30) (Note 0c 0b = 1547 after MSB unpack)
10 0c 0b yy {1546 bytes..}
query address 0x18
20 00 03 01 00 18 f7
returns: 30 00 04 01 00 18 yy
query n bytes at address
20 00 03 nn 00 18 f7
returns 30 00 03 nn 00 18 {xx bytes} f7
load program address x with data byte y
31 00 04 01 xx xx yy
load address x with 64 bytes yy (thanks bitwig scripts! :)
31 00 43 40 xx xx {yy[0] .. yy[63]}
Packed (unpacked) address
00 01 (0x001) = current program #
00 18 (0x018) = current bank # (0-3)
Pad off colors:
0a 7c (0x57c) = bank a pad 1 (first pad)
0b 1b (0x59b) = bank b pad 16
Pad on colors:
0b 3c (0x5bc) = bank a pad 1
See comments for class MPK2Sysex
, in particular, read*Spec()