A decentralized document signing tool where you own and control your own documents, contracts and data.
It is built on BlockStack.
Technical write up here: https://medium.com/blockstack-blog/blockusigns-pragmatic-approach-to-smart-contracts-anchoring-data-on-blockchain-using-blockstack-fb9bd974a306
The app uses Ionic (Angular + Cordova + Material Design UI) make sure you have it installed https://ionicframework.com/docs/intro/installation/
npm install -g ionic@latest
It also uses electron to wrap up as a desktop app (*electron code not written yet for auth)
npm install -g electron
cd BlockUSign.Ionic
npm install
There are several ways to start the app. Sometimes when logging in with blockstack you come across cors issues. Most apps use a Node proxy, but then livereload does not work. That is why I created a few npm scripts to help.
If you goto the package.json file look at the scripts sections and look for "start"
For mac, the script should read :
"start:mac": "npm run chrome-mac && ionic serve",
For windows: change the script to this (take off the -mac):
"start": "npm run chrome && ionic serve"
To actually start the app run:
npm run start
You will most likely get this error:
Cannot GET /#.html
This only happens the first time you open the app. Sorry, I have not had time to improve this part yet :( . To fix this, you will need to open the developer tools and set a localStorage setting in the console or else you will be redirected to a non-existent #.html page.
localStorage.setItem('#', 'true')
Refresh the app back to the root and you should be prompted for blockstack login!
If you are having login issues due to CORS, you can run the app the first time with a node proxy. This will boot up the app as a node app. * note you cannot live reload while debugging, so I recommend only using this when logging in for the first time.s
npm run serve
npm run buildweb
This will copy the ionic project to the wwwroot directory to be served up from the .net core project
Make sure you have the following files configured on the azure website in Kudu:
"SendGridKey": "SG.q....",
"GaiaToken": "bearer v1:eyJw...=",
"EmailConfirmKey": "0181..."
Azure Portal Settings
Lets Encrypt
Check out https://blockusign.co/#.html for some basic architectural and design decisions.
Blockusign Document Schema Protocol ------------------------------------------------- User |_ List Documents Index |_ document1 |_ document2 User (nicktee.id) |_ List Document Index (guid, fileName, key) - asymmetric |_ document1 (guid, fileName, fileExt, key, paths([user, pathToStorage)]) - symmetric => asymmetric |_ document2 (guid, fileName, key, paths(user, pathToStorage)) - symmetric => asymmetric Blockusign Global Index Protocol (Map document guids to user's storage bucket) ------------------------------------------------ guid.doc.storage.map.json pathToStorageForUser1 - https://gaia.blockstack.org/hub/18kTskBpTh1mznsypu1fhJ27dxbC1SwXEK/ pathToStorageForUser2 pathToStorageForUser3
Install the global dependencies
npm install -g protractor
npm install -g webpack
npm install -g webpack-cli
Open a terminal and run
ionic serve
In another terminal run
npm run e2e
run run test
** https://leifwells.github.io/2017/08/27/testing-in-ionic-configure-existing-projects-for-testing/ (* note I had to downgrade a jasmine package from the tutorial) npm install --save-dev jasmine@^2.99.0
Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of 🍻!