This plugin runs queries against New Relic Insights to calculate things like % of locations with a failure. It works by querying Insights every 30 seconds, calculating the new metrics (like % of failing locations) and publishing the results as Plugin metrics.
There are currently 3 options for running this plugin:
- Run the plugin directly through NodeJS
- Run the plugin as a Docker container
- Run the plugin inside K8S
Here are the steps to get set up with this plugin:
- Pre-requisite is NodeJS (7.10 or newer) and npm
- Clone or download this repository
- Once in the directory run
npm install
- Setup your configuration for a single account
Once you are all set up you can run the plugin with npm start
Thanks to @ntkach there are now some Docker files. Here's how you run through Docker.
- Pre-requisite is NodeJS (7.10 or newer) and npm
- Clone or download this repository
- Once in the directory run
npm install
- Create the ENV variables (see the 4 required variables below)
- Build the container with something such as:
docker build -t nr-synthetics-plugin .
- Run the container detatched with the compose file:
docker-compose up -d
Here's how you run through K8S.
- Clone or download this repository
- Copy config/default.json to config/production.json
- Put in the required license keys in the config
- Build the container like
docker build -t kenahrens/nr-synthetics-plugin:2.2.2 .
and publish to your K8S repository - Run the deployment with
kubectl apply -f k8s/plugin-deployment.yaml
For every monitor that has reported data, this plugin currently will calculate and publish the following metrics:
- Component/Location/{locationName}/Success[pct]
- Component/Location/{locationName}/Failure[pct]
- Component/Location/{locationName}/Duration[ms]
- Component/Overall/Success[pct]
- Component/Overall/Success[count]
- Component/Overall/Failure[pct]
- Component/Overall/Failure[count]
- Component/Overall/Duration[ms]
There is a config file default.json which defines the required keys. You have 2 options for how to configure the keys:
- Config File: Copy default.json and create your own config file
- Environment Variables: Set environment variables
Copy default.json and make your own file like ken-config.json. At runtime you must define an environment variable NODE_ENV
and set to the name of your file (do not include the extension).
kahrens@envy5:~/dev/node/nr-synthetics-plugin$ ls -al config/
total 20
drwxrwxr-x 2 kahrens kahrens 4096 Mar 27 10:41 .
drwxrwxr-x 7 kahrens kahrens 4096 Jun 26 15:28 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kahrens kahrens 359 Mar 27 10:41 ahrens.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kahrens kahrens 214 Mar 27 10:15 custom-environment-variables.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kahrens kahrens 226 Mar 27 10:15 default.json
kahrens@envy5:~/dev/node/nr-synthetics-plugin$ export NODE_ENV=ahrens
To setup a different event source (donor) and target (recipient) account Insights events, that is pulling Synthetics events and then publishing plugin metrics to a different account. Set and add the following optional properties to your default.json file.
"licenseKey": "<Recipient account license key>"
"accountId": "<Recipient account ID>",
"insightsInsertKey": "<Recipient Insights Insert key>",
"insightsQueryKey":"<Recipient Insights Query key>"
Sample JSON:
"guid": "com.adg.synthetics.monitor.Synthetics",
"duration": 30,
"licenseKey": "888111-1112222333444555666",
"configArr": [
"newrelic": {
"accountId": "12345",
"insightsQueryKey": "12345-QueryKey",
"insightsInsertKey": "12345-InsertKey",
"accountId": "888111",
"insightsInsertKey": "888111-InsertKey"
For accounts with 1,000+ Synthetics monitors, use the Synthetics REST API to retrieve the monitors.
Set the value to the account owner/admin user API Key
"restAPIAdminKey": "Source REST API Admin key"
Sample JSON
Extract Synthetics events from source/donor account and publish Plugin metrics and Plugin custom Insights events to a recipient account.
"guid": "com.adg.synthetics.monitor.Synthetics",
"duration": 30,
"licenseKey": "888111-1112222333444555666", <-- publish Plugin metrics to recipient account
"configArr": [
"newrelic": {
"accountId": "12345",
"insightsQueryKey": "12345-QueryKey",
"insightsInsertKey": "12345-InsertKey",
"restAPIAdminKey":"12345-restAPIAdminkey", <-- read from source account 12345
"accountId": "888111",
"insightsQueryKey":"888111-QueryKey", <-- query Insights events from recipient account
"insightsInsertKey": "888111-InsertKey" <-- publish custom Insights events to recipient account
If you want to query metrics from a single account and post to the same account, you can just set these 3 environment variables:
- NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY maps to licenseKey (for plugin to publish metrics)
- NEWRELIC_ACCOUNT_ID maps to accountId
- NEWRELIC_INSIGHTS_QUERY_KEY maps to insightsQueryKey (for plugin to query metrics)
- NEWRELIC_INSIGHTS_INSERT_KEY maps to insightsInsertKey (for plugin to publish events)
You can run the plugin directly like so. Note that it picked up my NODE_ENV that I set earlier to ahrens
kahrens@envy5:~/dev/node/nr-synthetics-plugin$ npm start
> nr-synthetics-plugin@2.1.1 start /home/kahrens/dev/node/nr-synthetics-plugin
> node index.js
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:27:33 GMT - info: Synthetics Plugin version: 2.1.1 started:
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:27:33 GMT - info: * GUID: com.adg.synthetics.monitor.Synthetics
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:27:33 GMT - info: * Frequency is every 30s, cron: (*/30 * * * * *)
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:27:33 GMT - info: * Running as a single config.
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:28:00 GMT - info: Starting poll cycle with NODE_ENV Environment: ahrens
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:28:00 GMT - info: - Query by location: (14) locations < (55) monitors
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:28:01 GMT - info: - There are: 55 monitors
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:28:01 GMT - info: - Processing complete for : 55 monitors
Or you can use forever to launch the plugin (and re-launch if it crashes):
kahrens:nr-synthetics-plugin kahrens$ ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever start index.js
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info: Forever processing file: index.js
This is how you get a list of all your forever processes:
kahrens:nr-synthetics-plugin kahrens$ ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever list
info: Forever processes running
data: uid command script forever pid id logfile uptime
data: [0] UKn_ /usr/local/bin/node index.js 70782 70783 /Users/kahrens/.forever/UKn_.log 0:0:0:8.935
And this is how you get the log:
kahrens:nr-synthetics-plugin kahrens$ ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever logs 0
data: index.js:71019 - Mon, 22 Aug 2016 12:45:59 GMT - info: Synthetics Plugin started
data: index.js:71019 - Mon, 22 Aug 2016 12:46:00 GMT - info: Starting poll cycle with env: multi
data: index.js:71019 - Mon, 22 Aug 2016 12:46:00 GMT - info: getMonitorList for: Ahrens Design Group
data: index.js:71019 - Mon, 22 Aug 2016 12:46:00 GMT - info: getMonitorList for: Demotron
This is how you stop your plugin, then run list
to see it's no longer running.
kahrens:nr-synthetics-plugin kahrens$ ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever stop index.js
info: Forever stopped process:
uid command script forever pid id logfile uptime
[0] UKn_ /usr/local/bin/node index.js 70782 70783 /Users/kahrens/.forever/UKn_.log 0:0:8:0.212
The tests work if you're using a single account and will make sure your node environment is setup properly. All you have to do to run them is:
kahrens:nr-synthetics-plugin kahrens$ npm test
> nr-synthetics-plugin@1.0.0 test /Users/kahrens/Documents/github/nr-synthetics-plugin
> mocha
New Relic Insights API Test
✓ calls the query api (271ms)
New Relic Plugin Make Metric Test
✓ makes a full metric name
✓ makes the complete metric JSON
3 passing (283ms)