creates AWS infrastructure for HTTPS static website. compatible with ntno/tf-module-static-site-cicd.
for variable domain_name
= "" this module will create:
- S3 bucket (with static website config)
- S3 bucket (with redirect to static website config)
- cloudfront distribution for the s3 bucket
- cloudfront distribution for the s3 bucket
- route53 alias records pointing to the cloudfront distributions
- register custom domain name for site (
- request ACM certificate for site (
- request ACM certificate for www subdomain (*
- verify ACM certificates by adding CNAME record to custom domain hosted zone (use console wizard for this)
# update x.x.x to desired version
module "docs_site" {
source = "git::"
index_document = "index.html"
error_document = "404.html"
versioning_state = "Enabled"
domain_name = var.domain_name
domain_acm_certificate_arn = local.domain_to_cert_arn[var.domain_name]
subdomain_acm_certificate_arn = local.domain_to_subdomain_cert_arn[var.domain_name]
tags = local.global_tags
advanced_config = {
routing_rules = [
condition = {
key_prefix_equals = "docs/img/"
redirect = {
replace_key_prefix_with = "img/"