This project is a command line tool written in Python to control Devialet speakers using the DOS2 operating system.
I created this project because I needed to control the volume of my Devialet speaker from my Apple TV remote. The speaker is connected to my TV with an optical cable, which does not allow the TV to change the speaker's volume.
After a lot of unsuccessful attemps to implement HDMI-CEC with my Samsung TV, I decided to use a FLIRC USB IR receiver and it works flawlessly.
If you have any TV remote compatible with IR control (Apple TV Remote, Samsung Smart TV Remote, etc.), you can use the remote with this tool to control your speaker.
This tool will also enable you to switch the speaker's input source to anything you wish by double-pressing the mute button on your remote.
I'm running this tool on a Raspberry Pi 3B, and if you wish to use the FLIRC dongle on a Raspberry Pi, I suggest using Raspberry Pi OS Full (32-bit) Bullseye as an operating system because I have had issued with the FLIRC software on lite and standard versions.
This is more of a reminder of what I did in case I need to reinstall my Raspberry Pi.
Image the MicroSD card using Raspberry Pi Imager, select Raspberry Pi OS Full (32-bit) as the operating system.
Change advanced options:
- Set hostname: devialet-remote.local
- Enable SSH
- Set username and password
- Set locale settings
Once the Pi has booted:
sudo raspi-config
Enable RealVNC in Interface Options.
Access the Pi's graphical interface using VNC Viewer and install FLIRC:
curl | sudo bash
Open the Flirc GUI from Accessories and switch the controller to Full Keyboard.
Record all the keys you with to use to control your Devialet speaker, I suggest doing the following bindings because they are set as default in the code:
- F1: Volume Down
- F2: Volume Up
- F3: Mute
Retrieve the project:
git clone
cd devialet-remote
If you wish to use venv:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependancies:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The main script for the tool is the script. You can get help for any command by using the --help option.
There are two ways of using this tool, you can either specify:
- The Devialet speaker's IP address, if it is fixed.
- The Devialet speaker's DeviceId, if the speaker's IP address might change.
To get the speaker's IP address or DeviceId, you can use the list devices tool.
python list devices
To get a more organized view of your speaker system, you can use the list systems tool.
python list systems
To get information about the available sources on each device, you can use the list sources tool.
python list sources
For this tool to work, you need to set some values in the file.
If you want to use your speaker's DeviceId, set the config_devialet_device_id variable to your speaker's DeviceId). (Skip if using IP)
If you want to use your speaker's IP address, set the config_devialet_ip variable to your speaker's IP address. (Skip if using DeviceId)
If you want to specify a source to switch to when using playback functions (play, pause, mute, unmute), set the config_devialet_source_id to your source's SourceId.
If you need to edit the listener's configuration (change default keys, add other bindings, etc.), everything happens in the config_listener_dict variable.
To get a list of all the actions you can run, use the --help option.
The actions names are self-explanatory.
python action --help
The listener allows you to execute actions when pressing certain keys on your keyboard. Before using the listener, try running some actions to make sure everything is working as expected.
To start the listener, you can use the listener start command.
python listener start
If you've set the config_devialet_source_id variable to something else than current, you can use the play action to switch your speaker's source. Using the listener's default configuration, if you're listening music on spotify and want to switch to the optical source, you can double-press the mute_toggle button, which will mute then unmute the speaker, and change the source.