Ferry Ticketing System Main Program
So this is the main program
The other repository will be used for experimental purposes! Once everything works there we will slowly keep adding things to this repository
So far everything is working properly!
- Added a way to initialize empty ferry seats if the file doesn't exist
- Added a way create a list of ferries (8 Ferries)
- Added a way to check if a certain path (data) exists and if it doesn't then it creates one
- Added a way to check if the file (ferryseats.json) exists and if it doesn't then it creates one with all values initialized to 0
- Added a way to colorize the Seats IF seat is available = BLUE ELSE Seat is unavaible = RED
- Added a way to print the Seats of a selected Ferry
- Added assign seats functions
- Add menus
- Create Alternatives
- Input Handling (Wrong input, and other things)
- File Handling (Try and Excepts)
- Function Enhancements (make code shorter/check for repeated code)
- Colors extend when CMD is resized
- Windows Access Issues when Creating Path/File