A script used for filtering and highlighting ads in the Facebook Gypsie housing group.
As a general rule, don't blindly paste others code into your browser JavaScript console. This is how self-xxs attacks are done (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-XSS).
1. Clone the repo or just save the file gypsie.js
2. Security check
i. Read the code to make sure I'm not trying to hack you
ii. The jQuery source is included in the file. However, you don't know
if there is some bad code in that blob, so you should include jQuery
by pasting in the original jQuery code yourself, as provided from the
jQuery website.
3. Edit your preferences (filterTriggers and highlightTriggers)
4. Go to Facebook's Gypsie housing group
5. Open JavaScript console and paste the code there
6. Enter "start()" in the console to start filter/highlight
7. Enter "stop()" to stop