Implementation of Squeeze and Excitation Networks (SENets) [2] by chainer
git clone
cd SENets
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Note: chainer==1.24.0
# for SENets with compression rate 8
python -g 0 -p ./result_senet_8 -e 250 -b 64 -lr 0.1 -k 1 -n 18 -multiplier 4 -r 8
# for SENets with compression rate 16
python -g 0 -p ./result_senet_16 -e 250 -b 64 -lr 0.1 -k 1 -n 18 -multiplier 4 -r 16
# for resnet
python -g 0 -p ./result_resnet -e 250 -b 64 -lr 0.1 -k 1 -n 18 -multiplier 4
Data Augmentation:
Train: Pictures are randomly resized in the range of [32, 36], then 32x32 patches are extracted randomly and are normalized locally. Horizontal flipping is applied with 0.5 probability. Cutout [3] is applied with 0.5 probability (16x16 window) before normalization.
Test: Pictures are resized to 32x32, then they are normalized locally. Single image test is used to calculate total accuracy.
Optimization: Momentum SGD (momentum is 0.9)
Scheduling: 0.1 is multiplied to learning rate at [150, 200] epochs.
Initial learning rate: 0.1, but warm-up learnig rate, 0.01, is only used at first epoch.
Weight decay: 0.0001
network | depth | Compression Rate: r | Parameters (M) | total accuracy (%) |
SEResNet (my implementation) [2] | 164 + 108 | 8 | 2.0 | 95.69 |
SEResNet (my implementation) [2] | 164 + 108 | 16 | 1.8 | 95.91 |
ResNet [1] | 164 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 94.54 |
ResNet (my implementation)[1] | 164 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 95.48 |
Compression Rate: 8
Compression Rate: 16
Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks [1]
Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks [2]
Improved Regularization of Convolutional Neural Networks with Cutout [3]