Brainiak is a Linked Data RESTful API to provide transparent access to SPARQL endpoints.
This project was created by's engineers to its semantic platform.
We are releasing this as an open-source project in order to give something back to the software community.
Learn more about Brainiak in our recent presentations
Brainiak full documentation can be found in
The following topics motivated the development of Brainiak:
- Lower the barrier to use semantic technlogies
- Encapsulate the access to triple stores compatible with RDF/TURTLE and SPARQL (e.g. OpenLink Virtuoso, Sesame, AllegroGraph, Ontotext OWLIM)
- Enhance data management to triple stores
- Provide a unique and coherent interface to other database backends, including non triple stores (e.g.: ElasticSearch).
Brainiak is developed using Python.
The requirements for currently running Brainiak are:
- Python packages (detailed at requirements.txt)
- Triplestore: Virtuoso 6
- Search engine: ElasticSearch 0.90.12
- Event bus: ActiveMQ 5.8.0
- Cache Redis (optional)
Currently Brainiak is run in production using CentOS, but the deployment scripts are of internal use at and won't be released open-source.
There are complete setup instructions and scripts for Fedora 20, at:
Setup scripts are being added to:
It can be installed using virtualenvwrapper:
# Install virtualenv / virtualenvwraper, in case you didn't yet: sudo pip install virtualenv sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper source `which` # Then, just use it: mkvirtualenv brainiak workon brainiak make install
Or using super-user powers:
sudo make install
After virtualenv is ready (run in development mode):
make run
By default, brainiak will be available at: http://localhost:5100/
There are two categories of tests in Brainiak: - Unit (python-only) - Integration (need other services to be up, e.g Virtuoso)
Run unit tests using:
make unit
Run integration tests using:
make integration
To run all tests, and check how much of the code is covered with tests:
make test
We expect contributions to have related tests, so we can keep up test code coverage to more than 90%.
The project is released as it is. This means you might have to tweak it, in order to meet your purpose. People can contribute to turn this project more adoption-friendly outside its original context of creation and use.
For this purpose, use the forum!forum/brainiak_api_users to discuss ideas and ask questions.
We use the twitter @brainiak_api's to broadcast information about the project and related subjects.
And we also have a facebook page at .
The team email is also available for contact.
Brainiak is GNU GPL 2:
< Brainiak: Linked Data RESTful API > Copyright (C) 2013 - Brainiak is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. Brainiak is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Brainiak. If not, see <>.