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Releases: nuxt-modules/robots


19 Feb 10:14
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18 Feb 03:31
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20 Jan 09:41
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20 Jan 02:50
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19 Jan 01:21
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14 Jan 02:29
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23 Dec 01:16
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✨ v5.1.0

🤖 No Index Build Directory

This minor version introduces improvements around your nuxt asset build directory getting indexed (/_nuxt/*). It will now add X-Robots-Tag to these files and make sure they don't end up on Google.

If you have these paths ignored for your robots.txt the module will warn you as they need to be accessible by robots to crawl your pages correctly.

To accommodate this feature the disallowNonIndexableRoutes config has been deprecated and set to false by default (previously true). You may notice your robots.txt has different output but your site indexing will remain the same.


    ⚠️ Deprecations

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07 Dec 06:17
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24 Nov 15:04
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The v5 major of Nuxt Robots is a simple release to remove deprecations and add support for the Nuxt SEO v2 stable.

⚠️ Breaking Features

Site Config v3

Nuxt Site Config is a module used internally by Nuxt Robots.

The major update to v3.0.0 shouldn't have any direct effect on your site, however, you may want to double-check
the breaking changes.

Removed rules config

The v4 of Nuxt Robots provided a backward compatibility rules config. As it was deprecated, this is no longer supported. If you're using rules, you should migrate to the groups config or use a robots.txt file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
	robots: {
-    	rules: {},
+    	groups: {}

Removed defineRobotMeta composable

This composable didn't do anything in v4 as the robots meta tag is enabled by default. If you'd like to control the robot meta tag rule, use the useRobotsRule() composable.

- defineRobotMeta(true)
+ useRobotsRule(true)

Removed RobotMeta component

This component was a simple wrapper for defineRobotMeta, you should use useRobotsRule() if you wish to control the robots rule.

Removed index, indexable config

When configuring robots using route rules or Nuxt Content you could control the robot's behavior by providing index or indexable rules.

These are no longer supported and you should use robots key.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  routeRules: {
    // use the `index` shortcut for simple rules
-    '/secret/**': { index: false },
+    '/secret/**': { robots: false },

🚀 Features

Config blockAiBots

AI crawlers can be beneficial as they can help users finding your site, but for some educational sites or those not
interested in being indexed by AI crawlers, you can block them using the blockAIBots option.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  robots: {
    blockAiBots: true

This will block the following AI crawlers: GPTBot, ChatGPT-User, Claude-Web, anthropic-ai, Applebot-Extended, Bytespider, CCBot, cohere-ai, Diffbot, FacebookBot, Google-Extended, ImagesiftBot, PerplexityBot, OmigiliBot, Omigili


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03 Nov 13:33
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