This is a fast paced game using melonJS as engine. It is a massive multiplayer game. Currently I have not came with an idea how to name the game, so if you thought of a good name, please email me on
You will need Node.js, NPM and MongoDB installed in order to run the server. Download (or clone) Node.js at and MongoDB at
In order to download the dependencies, you need to type:
$ npm install
Now you should be able to run the server:
$ node server.js
In your console you will see the address where you can access the game from.
You can configure your game server by modifying server/config.js Here is what each option does:
- MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING - your mongo database connection string
- MAP - the level that will be started. It must be saved in public/data/maps/ as a .json file
- FPS - the frame rate on the server update loop. Default: 60
- PORT - the port the server will be started. Default: 1337
- CORRECTION_TIME_STEP - in what interval should corrections be sent. Default: 50 (ms)
- FRIENDLY_FIRE - should friendly fire be turned on. Default: false
- NET_PING_UPDATE_STEP - in what interval should ping calculations be done. Default: 2500 (ms)
- RESPAWN_TIME_STEP - how much time should pass before player is respawned after death. Default: 3000 (ms)
- INVULNERABLE_TIME_STEP - how much time should the player be invulnerable after respawn. Default: 2500 (ms)
- BONUS_TIME_STEP - in what interval should a new bonus be spawned. Default: 10000 (ms)
- BONUS_LIFE_TIME - how long should a bonus stay on screen before it disappears. Default: 5000 (ms)
To build with grunt, you must have grunt-cli and grunt 0.4 already installed. By previously running npm install
, you already installed grunt 0.4, but you must also have grunt-cli. If you don't have it, run this command:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
This will not only install it, but it will be installed globally, so you can use it in other projects as well. For more information visit gruntjs homepage or gruntjs repository
Now you can build the project with:
$ grunt
This will validate the .js files, will concatenate the public files, minify them and save them in public/build/
If you want to help me develop the game, take a look at my TODO list (see the TODO file)
See COPYING for more info