Running SeleniumIDE-Generated Tests in Pharo Smalltalk.
AutomaticParasol is web testing framework for Pharo Smalltalk.
AutomaticParasol can run directly SeleniumIDE-Generated tests using Selenium WebDriver from Pharo Smalltalk (with Beach Parasol).
- Run Selenium-IDE Generated JUnit4 Testcase
- Run multiple testcases at once
- Mozilla Firefox Web Browser
- Selenium Standalone Server
If you don't have any testcase files, you need to create and export it, using SeleniumIDE (Firefox Extension).
Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfAutomaticParasol';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAutomaticParasol) load.
and apply the patch (by @mumez).
pathToChangeSet := './patch/parasol-fixes-for-pharo40-mu.cs' asFileReference asAbsolute fullName .
ChangeSet fileIntoNewChangeSet: pathToChangeSet.
- Download Selenium Standalone Server from .
- Run Selenium Standalone Server.
java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-2.xx.x.jar
It's done. You are ready to run your testcases!
testCase := APTestCaseRunner testCaseFile: 'Test01'.
testCase run.
testSuite := APTestSuiteRunner new.
testSuite addTestCase: 'path/to/Test01'.
testSuite addTestCase: 'path/to/Test02'.
testSuite run.
testSuite := APTestSuiteRunner new.
testSuite runAllIn: 'path/to/tests'.
More details will be provided later.