JukeLab brings an old-school jukebox to your next party. Curate a jukebox playlist full of 100 albums, set up a dedicated device, then let your friends control the music all night.
Visit nzoschke.github.io/jukelab/ to try the development version in your web browser. Visit jukelab.com or the Apple App Store get the real version for web or iOS (Android coming soon).
JukeLab is a web app built on HTML Audio and Spotify for Developers with SvelteKit.
We recall the times when artists composed albums, fans wore out records, friends crafted mix CDs, and nerds skinned music apps.
JukeLab brings back a similar music experience that you can curate and customize.
JukeLab is built on TypeScript and Svelte 5.
On Mac we recommend Homebrew to install development tools:
brew install git node
git clone https://github.com/nzoschke/jukelab.git
cd jukelab
cp .env.example .env
supabase start
npm install
npm run dev -- --open
To get a development Spotify access token that works for 1 hour, go to the Getting Started with Web Playback SDK doc, log into Spotify, click "Reveal your access token", then set it in .env
To make a "prod" Spotify app that works indefinitely, go to Getting started with Web API
doc, follow the "Create an app" section, get your client ID, then set it in .env
supabase init
supabase start
supabase status
# create new migration
supabase migration new create_channels_table
# then browse to, use table editor, then generate diff
supabase db diff --schema public > supabase/migrations/20241104092543_create_channels_table.sql
# generate types
supabase gen types --local > src/lib/types/database.ts
# reset data
supabase db reset
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview