Stand alone markdowns with embedded shiny apps for various eco and epi models
Current markdowns (July 14, 2023) are:
catalytic.rmd -- Simmple exploration of the catalytic model
ddetortrix.rmd - Nelson et al's (2013) model of temperature dependent destabilization of insect dynamics
jacobian.rmd - General purpose Jacobian R calculators (not shiny App)
lotkavolterracompetition.rmd - Lotka-Volterra competion model
lotkavolterrapredation.rmd - Lotka-Volterra predation model
lpatribolium.rmd - Larvae-Pupae-Adult Tribolium model
nextgenR0.rmd - general purpose code for calculating R0 for compartemental models using next-generation formalism (not shiny App)
outbreakresponsevaccination.rmd - ORV model based on the SIR with vaccination campaigns
parasitoidhost.rmd - Nicholson-Bailey Host-Parasitoid model AND May's Negative-Binomial parasitoid-host model
ricker.rmd - The Ricker ('discrete logisitic') model
rosenzweigmacarthur.rmd - Rosenzweig-MacArthur Predator-Prey model
rossmacdonald.rmd - A simple Ross-Macdonald type malaria model
seasonalseir.rmd - the seasonally forced SEIR model
sir.rmd - the unforced SIR model
spatialparasitoidhost.rmd - Coupled map lattice model of spatially extended host-parasitoid dynamics
spatiallbm.rmd - the spatially extended model of host-parasitoid dynamics that leads to waves of spread of the larch budmoth
In addition I recommend taking a peak at:
If opened in Rstudio "> Run Document" will run the App.