Tkinter Stylizer is a package for python to create customized (rounded) buttons, entries, frames, windows, title bar, and many more.
Also, this package will include new tkinter widgets such as to display GIFs and videos.
The images below are expected to be accomplished in the full version of tkinter stylizer.
Every widget will be customized by creating the images. Pillow will be used for this purpose, it will create the images, save them in a temporary location, and display them in the tkinter window.
This package is created with python 3.10.2.
Also the following packages are required by the package:
PIL - to create images
colorutils - to manipulate colors (usually color conversion)
os - to return paths
random - to create some random functions
This Python tkinter package is under development.
Added prerequisites i.e some functions and classes to be used in the package.