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Christophe Troestler edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 7 revisions

Maintainers: see
Governance: see

The community website.

The website is a community driven website, created by and for OCaml developers and those interested in the language. Details about the Maintainers and contribution process can be found at and the specific resources via links at: currently redirects to


Rackspace Cloud (was

This machine hosts the website.

Setup: Runs Debian stable, 2GB RAM, 80 GB Disk, UTC.

  • apt install lighttpd (serving static files from /var/www/)

  • apt install screen

  • apt install ocaml (just to get started, we use an opam switch)

  • apt install camlp4-extra (needed by tutorials)

  • adduser buildpreview user builds the website from the master (it used to build from the redesign branch)

  • opam using add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa; apt-get update; apt-get install opam

  • opam 1.1.0-RC2 installed with --prefix /alien (/alien is owned by buildpreview)

  • opam install mpp omd ocamlnet xmlm ocamlrss (as buildpreview on the system switch)

  • apt install git

  • chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

  • chmod -R g+ws /var/www

  • addgroup buildpreview www-data (so that buildpreview can write in /var/www)

  • apt install ntpdate (+ cronjob to sync the clock every hour)

  • apt install emacs (for convenience)

  • apt install curl (required)

  • load the private certificate in /etc/ssl/private/

  • ln -s ../ssl/private/ /etc/lighttpd/server.pem

  • ln -s ../conf-available/10-ssl.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/

  • cd /bin && ln -sf bash sh (not required anymore)

  • /home/buildpreview/ builds the preview website from and puts it into /var/www: a cron-entry launches this job every hour, in case there's already a process that does the job, it exits. This makes the job robust to reboots and to taking-almost-forever-jobs.

  • apt install libssl-dev (required)

  • opam packages: ocamlfind ocamlrss ssl mpp ocamlnet omd xmlm

  • apt install php5 php5-fpm php5-gd php5-mysql mysql-server packages to enable PHP5 under lighttpd (using php5-fpm). A MySQL root password was created during installation. To enable PHP5, one must in addition go to /etc/lighttpd/conf-available, make a backup copy of 15-fastcgi-php.conf (say as 15-fastcgi-php-spawnfcgi.conf) and edit 15-fastcgi-php.conf so it reads:

    fastcgi.server += ( ".php" =>
                    "socket" => "/var/run/php5-fpm.sock",
                    "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable"

    and then issue

    lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi
    lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php
  • Install Piwik. First create a MySQL database for it:

    $ mysql -p
    CREATE USER 'piwik'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'oo_Stat.';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON piwik.* TO 'piwik'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

    Then decompress the Piwik tarball (this will create a piwik sub-directory), point your browser to the piwik/index.php file, and follow the instructions.

Access: Ashish Agarwal and Anil Madhavapeddy and Philippe Wang and Amir Chaudhry and Christophe Troestler and David Sheets.

Backups: todo