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Signed-off-by: lubegasimon <>
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lubegasimon committed Feb 8, 2021
1 parent e0068cb commit 6d3226a
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Showing 6 changed files with 213 additions and 28 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/compat/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,17 @@ struct


module Simon =
let myName = "simon"

module Char =
include Char
include Simon

let lowercase_ascii = lowercase
Expand All @@ -29,3 +37,8 @@ struct


module Zilla = struct
let simon = "zilla"
110 changes: 82 additions & 28 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ type t =
values: Id.Value.t Ident.tbl;
classes : Id.Class.t Ident.tbl;
class_types : Id.ClassType.t Ident.tbl;
shadowed : Ident.t list }
shadowed : Ident.t list;
idents_in_doc_off_mode: Ident.t list

let empty =
{ modules = Ident.empty;
Expand All @@ -41,7 +43,9 @@ let empty =
values = Ident.empty;
classes = Ident.empty;
class_types = Ident.empty;
shadowed = [] }
shadowed = [];
idents_in_doc_off_mode =[]

(* The boolean is an override for whether it should be hidden - true only for
items introduced by extended open *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +157,7 @@ let extract_extended_open o =
extract_extended_open_items o.open_bound_items

let doc_off_mode_on = ref false

let extract_signature_tree_item item =
let open Typedtree in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +193,23 @@ let extract_signature_tree_item item =
[`ModuleType (mtd.mtd_id, false)]
| Tsig_include incl ->
[`Include (extract_signature_type_items (Compat.signature incl.incl_type))]

| Tsig_attribute
attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.text"; _ };
attr_payload =
pstr_desc =
({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string ("/*", _)); _ }, _);
} -> doc_off_mode_on := not !doc_off_mode_on; []

| Tsig_class cls ->
(fun cld ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +300,23 @@ let extract_structure_tree_item item =
[`ModuleType (mtd.mtd_id, false)]
| Tstr_include incl ->
[`Include (extract_signature_type_items (Compat.signature incl.incl_type))]

| Tstr_attribute
attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.text"; _ };
attr_payload =
pstr_desc =
({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string ("/*", _)); _ }, _);
} -> doc_off_mode_on := not !doc_off_mode_on; []

| Tstr_class cls ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,71 +394,87 @@ let env_of_items parent items env =
| `Type (t,force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = t in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || type_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `Type(parent, TypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed
else `Type(parent, TypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `Type(parent, TypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `Type(parent, TypeName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `Type(parent, TypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let types = Ident.add t identifier env.types in
inner rest { env with types; shadowed }
inner rest { env with types; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| `Value (t,force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = parenthesise_name ( t) in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || value_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `Value(parent, ValueName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed
else `Value(parent, ValueName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `Value(parent, ValueName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `Value(parent, ValueName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `Value(parent, ValueName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let values = Ident.add t identifier env.values in
inner rest { env with values; shadowed }
inner rest { env with values; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| `ModuleType (t, force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = t in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || module_type_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `ModuleType(parent, ModuleTypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed
else `ModuleType(parent, ModuleTypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `ModuleType(parent, ModuleTypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `ModuleType(parent, ModuleTypeName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `ModuleType(parent, ModuleTypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let module_types = Ident.add t identifier env.module_types in
inner rest { env with module_types; shadowed }
inner rest { env with module_types; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| `Module (t, force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = t in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || module_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `Module(parent, ModuleName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed
else `Module(parent, ModuleName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `Module(parent, ModuleName.internal_of_string name), t :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `Module(parent, ModuleName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `Module(parent, ModuleName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let path = `Identifier(identifier, is_shadowed) in
let modules = Ident.add t identifier env.modules in
let module_paths = Ident.add t path env.module_paths in
inner rest { env with modules; module_paths; shadowed }
inner rest { env with modules; module_paths; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| `Class (t,t2,t3,t4,force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = t in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || class_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `Class(parent, ClassName.internal_of_string name), t :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: env.shadowed
else `Class(parent, ClassName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `Class(parent, ClassName.internal_of_string name), t :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `Class(parent, ClassName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: t2 :: t3 :: t4 :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `Class(parent, ClassName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let classes =
List.fold_right (fun id classes -> Ident.add id identifier classes)
[t; t2; t3; t4] env.classes in
inner rest { env with classes; shadowed }
inner rest { env with classes; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| `ClassType (t,t2,t3,force_shadowed) :: rest ->
let name = t in
let is_shadowed = force_shadowed || class_type_name_exists name rest in
let identifier, shadowed =
let identifier, shadowed, idents_in_doc_off_mode =
if is_shadowed
then `ClassType(parent, ClassTypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: t2 :: t3 :: env.shadowed
else `ClassType(parent, ClassTypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed
then `ClassType(parent, ClassTypeName.internal_of_string name), t :: t2 :: t3 :: env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else if !doc_off_mode_on
then `ClassType(parent, ClassTypeName.internal_of_string name), env.shadowed, t :: t2 :: t3 :: env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
else `ClassType(parent, ClassTypeName.of_string name), env.shadowed, env.idents_in_doc_off_mode
let class_types =
List.fold_right (fun id class_types -> Ident.add id identifier class_types)
[t; t2; t3] env.class_types in
inner rest { env with class_types; shadowed }
inner rest { env with class_types; shadowed; idents_in_doc_off_mode }

| [] -> env
in inner items env

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,8 +548,7 @@ let find_class_type_identifier env id =
Ident.find_same id env.class_types

let is_shadowed env id =
List.mem id env.shadowed

List.(rev_append env.shadowed env.idents_in_doc_off_mode |> mem id)
module Path = struct

let read_module_ident env id =
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions test/cases/stop_dead_link_doc.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module For_generated_code : sig
(*_ don't use this by hand, it is only meant for ppx_fields_conv *)

type ('perm, 'record, 'field) t =
{ force_variance : 'perm -> unit
; name : string
; setter : ('record -> 'field -> unit) option
; getter : 'record -> 'field
; fset : 'record -> 'field -> 'record

val opaque_identity : 'a -> 'a

(**['record] is the type of the record. ['field] is the type of the
values stored in the record field with name [name]. ['perm] is a way
of restricting the operations that can be used. *)
type ('perm, 'record, 'field) t_with_perm =
| Field of ('perm, 'record, 'field) For_generated_code.t
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions test/html/expect/test_package+ml/Stop_dead_link_doc/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
Stop_dead_link_doc (test_package+ml.Stop_dead_link_doc)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../odoc.css">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="generator" content="odoc %%VERSION%%">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="../../highlight.pack.js"></script>
<a href="../index.html">Up</a><a href="../index.html">test_package+ml</a> » Stop_dead_link_doc
Module <code>Stop_dead_link_doc</code>
<div class="content">
<div class="spec type" id="type-t_with_perm">
<a href="#type-t_with_perm" class="anchor"></a><code><span class="keyword">type</span> <span>('perm, 'record, 'field) t_with_perm</span> = </code>
<tr id="type-t_with_perm.Field" class="anchored">
<td class="def variant constructor">
<a href="#type-t_with_perm.Field" class="anchor"></a><code>| <span class="constructor">Field</span> <span class="keyword">of</span> <span><span>(<span class="type-var">'perm</span>,&nbsp;<span class="type-var">'record</span>,&nbsp;<span class="type-var">'field</span>)</span> <a href="For_generated_code/index.html#type-t">For_generated_code.t</a></span></code>
<code>'record</code> is the type of the record. <code>'field</code> is the type of the values stored in the record field with name <code>name</code>. <code>'perm</code> is a way of restricting the operations that can be used.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/html/expect/test_package+re/Stop_dead_link_doc/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
Stop_dead_link_doc (test_package+re.Stop_dead_link_doc)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../odoc.css">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="generator" content="odoc %%VERSION%%">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
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<a href="../index.html">Up</a><a href="../index.html">test_package+re</a> » Stop_dead_link_doc
Module <code>Stop_dead_link_doc</code>
<div class="content">
<div class="spec type" id="type-t_with_perm">
<a href="#type-t_with_perm" class="anchor"></a><code><span class="keyword">type</span> t_with_perm('perm, 'record, 'field) = </code>
<tr id="type-t_with_perm.Field" class="anchored">
<td class="def variant constructor">
<a href="#type-t_with_perm.Field" class="anchor"></a><code>| <span class="constructor">Field</span>(<a href="For_generated_code/index.html#type-t">For_generated_code.t</a><span>(<span class="type-var">'perm</span>,&nbsp;<span class="type-var">'record</span>,&nbsp;<span class="type-var">'field</span>)</span>)</code>
<code>'record</code> is the type of the record. <code>'field</code> is the type of the values stored in the record field with name <code>name</code>. <code>'perm</code> is a way of restricting the operations that can be used.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/html/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ let source_files_all =
("functor.mli", [ "Functor/index.html" ]);
("class.mli", [ "Class/index.html" ]);
("stop.mli", [ "Stop/index.html" ]);
("stop_dead_link_doc.mli", [ "Stop_dead_link_doc/index.html" ]);
("", [ "Bugs/index.html" ]);
("", [ "Alias/index.html"; "Alias/X/index.html" ]);
Expand Down

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