OCWebAction is a simple way to package the NSURLSession and handler the data(json、xml and so on) to the entity class
User the Manager OCWebActionManager
,the funcion include:
- Get the Action(implement OCWebActionProtocol) with Synchronous or Asynchronous.
- Enable the logging
#Implement Entity Class The entity class is which you get the data from Http Server and transfer to.Use the OCTransferableProtocol in your entity class.
class YourClass:OCTransferableProtocol{
if you want to transfer to a Array type,use the OCTransferableListProtocol.
class YourClass:OCTransferableListProtocol {
var list:[OCTransferableProtocol] = [OCTransferableProtocol]()
Implement the OCWebActionConfigureProtocol or use the OCDefaultWebActionConfigure to configure the HTTP setting and transfer the return data to the OCTransferableProtocol entity class.
Default,you just override the OCDefaultWebActionConfigure:
class YourConfigureClass : OCDefaultWebActionConfigure{
func transfer(dictionary: NSDictionary) -> OCTransferableProtocol{
\\ Your code , handler the return data as NSDictionary and tranfer to OCTransferableProtocol entity class
#Usage After configure , you can use it easy.
let configure = YourConfigureClass()
configure.url = Target URL
configure.parameters = [String:String]() // Get or Post Parameters
let action = OCWebActionManager.shareManager.getSynchronousAction() //if use the asynchronous action, you can user the OCWebActionManager.shareManager.getAsynchronousAction()
action.action(configure, success: { (result) -> Void in
}) { (error) -> Void in