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Straight-forward user registrations fields, and custom authorizations in Decidim

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Decidim User Fields

This Decidim module adds custom user fields through a configuration file and without migration. This module aims to configure in a blast new fields for subscription and profile editing. It supports:

  • User registration
  • User profiles
  • User invitations

⚠️ It does not support:

  • Omniauth registrations

Are you on GitHub ? Please use the reference repository on GitLab for issues and pull requests.

Install the module

Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem "decidim-user_fields"

Run bundle

bundle install

How to add a custom user field.

Create an initializer config/initializers/custom_user_fields.rb

Decidim::CustomUserFields.configure do |config|
  config.add_field :birthdate, type: :date, required: true
  config.add_field :address, type: :textarea, required: false, rows: 10
  config.add_field :purpose, type: :text, required: false

Available field types



  • required: must choose a date
  • not_before: date in ISO8601 where the user cannot select before
  • not_after: date in ISO8601 where the user cannot select after
  • skip_hashing: Do not hash the field result (watch out privacy concerns)

:textarea a textarea field, which the content will be trimmed (no whitespaces before and after).


  • required: if the field is required
  • min: minimal text length
  • max: maximal text length
  • skip_hashing: Do not hash the field result (watch out privacy concerns)
  • ui.rows: how many rows the field should display

:text a text field, which the content will be trimmed (no whitespaces before and after).


  • required: if the field is required
  • values_in: restrict the values accepted for the field
  • format: a regex (like `format: /\A[A-z0-9]*\z/)
  • skip_hashing: Do not hash the field result (watch out privacy concerns)

:extra_field_ref (Authorization only)

This field is a quiet special one, it allows workflows where the extra_field on registration is optional, but get required on authorization. Warning: this field can be use only in authorization configuration


  • ref: the extra_field reference name
  • hide_if_value: hide the extra field if there is already a value.
  • skip_hashing: Do not hash the field result (watch out privacy concerns)
  • skip_update_on_verified: Do not update the extra_field reference when verified
  • ...: any other parameters to override the reference option


Labels are translated and are under the translation scope decidim.custom_user_fields. Example of a config/locales/fr.yml file:

        name: "Données de rescencement pour le Budget Participatif 2024"
        explanation: "Donnée récoltée pour participer au BP 2024"
          label: "Prénoms"
          label: "Nom de famille"
          label: "Date de naissance"
          help_text: "La participation est réservée aux personnes de plus de 18ans"
          label: "Code postal"
          help_text: "La participation est réservée aux habitants de MaCommune.

Create an authorization with custom fields

# Fields added to the profile
Decidim::CustomUserFields.configure do |config|
  config.add_field :first_name, type: :text, required: false
  config.add_field :last_name, type: :text, required: false

# Fields for the verification PB2024
Rails.application.config.after_initialize  do
  Decidim::CustomUserFields::Verifications.register("PB2024") do |config|
    config.add_field :first_name, type: :extra_field_ref, required: true, skip_hashing: true, hide_if_value: true
    config.add_field :last_name, type: :extra_field_ref, required: true, skip_hashing: true, hide_if_value: true
    config.add_field :birthdate, type: :date, required: true, not_after: 18.years.ago.to_date.iso8601
    config.add_field :postal_code, type: :text, required: true, format: /\A[\-0-9]*\z/, values_in: ["2000", "2001", "2002"]

Then, add locales for this flow:

        name: "Participer au BP 2024"
        explanation: "Valider votre compte"
        label: Prénoms
        help_text: Ce champs est requis pour participer aux budgets participatif.
        label: Nom de famille
        label: Date de naissance
        bad_not_after: Seul les > 18 peuvent participer
        label: Code postal
        bad_values: Ce code postal est inconu dans  maCommune
        help_text: Seul les communies prêt de maCommune peux être acceptée

Run locally

To run this module locally, we use Docker-compose:

docker-compose up

This will run a decidim-user_fields container, which sleeps and does nothing.

After your containers are mounted, you can seed the database:

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bin/rails db:seed

Then, you can start the server

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bin/rails s -b

You can then open a bash session and edit the initializer, as described in the "How to add a custom user field" section.

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bash

Once something change, reset your server:

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bin/rails restart

While developing locally, you have two environment variables that can help you:

  • ROOT: the root of the application using the module
  • MODULE_ROOT: the place where your gem code is.

Usefull commands

Command Description
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bundle exec rails db:seed Seed the database (run on localhost:3000)
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bin/webpack-dev-server Compile assets and watch for changes
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bin/rails s -b Run the Rails server in development
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bundle exec rspec /home/decidim/module/spec Run tests for the module
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bundle exec rubocop -a /home/decidim/module Correct lint errors with RuboCop
docker-compose exec -it decidim-user_fields bash Navigate your container in bash

While developing locally, you have two environment variables that can help you:

  • ROOT: the root of the application using the module
  • MODULE_ROOT: the place where your gem code is.


Straight-forward user registrations fields, and custom authorizations in Decidim






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