Odin 1.2.4
When downloading the mod please make sure you download the version that fits you
"Odin-version" is the legit version which doesn't have anything that breaks the Hypixel rules
"OdinClient-version" is the cheater version which may get you banned if used recklessly
Either way as all skyblock mods this mod is use at your own risk
Spirit Leap Menu:
- Introduced a customized GUI for Spirit Leap, featuring Leap Helper functionality.
Rag Axe Notification:
- Implemented a notification system to display the current status of the Rag Axe weapon.
Ping Option for Termsim:
- Added a ping option for Termsim using the command "/termsim {ping}" (e.g., "/termsim 100" simulates 100 ping).
LockCursor Feature:
- Reintroduced LockCursor, allowing users to lock the cursor at its current position, particularly useful for farming activities.
Purple Pillar in Fuck Diorite:
- Integrated a purple pillar into the Fuck Diorite feature.
Custom Terminal Size:
- Resolved the issue where adjusting terminal size no longer affects the GUI size outside the terminal.
Terminal Times Precision:
- Fixed floating precision in terminal times.
Random Dragon Wings:
- Eliminated occurrences of random dragon wings displaying.
Waypoints Addition and Deletion:
- Fixed the saving functionality for both addition and deletion of waypoints.
Config Loading:
- Ensured proper loading of the configuration.
Blacklist Command:
- Corrected capital letter management in the blacklist command.
ChatCommand Module Crash:
- Addressed a crash related to the ChatCommand module.
Enchant Glint on First Slot:
- Prevented the enchant glint from randomly showing up on the first slot.
Reduced Mod Size:
- Reduced the mod's size by removing duplicate dependencies.
Bow Trajectory:
- Made Bow Trajectory compatible with all types of bows and added line drawing to trajectories.
ChatCommand Trigger:
- Modified ChatCommand to trigger only when the command starts with "!"
Invisible Mobs in ESP:
- Ensured that invisible mobs, such as armor stands, no longer appear in ESP.
Auto Requeue:
- Made both options in Auto Requeue functional.
HUD Location Saving:
- Fixed issues with HUDs not saving locations across instances.
Clicked Chest Module:
- Fixed the "Only Dungeon" option in the Clicked Chest module.
Ghost Pick Efficiency:
- Made Ghost Pick's efficiency level customizable.
Secret Chime in Boss:
- Restricted Secret Chime functionality to not work during boss encounters.
ESP Over Armor:
- Improved ESP to display over armor.