Odin 1.2.5.beta3
When downloading the mod please make sure you download the version that fits you
"Odin-version" is the legit version which doesn't have anything that breaks the Hypixel rules
"OdinClient-version" is the cheater version which may get you banned if used recklessly
Either way as all skyblock mods this mod is use at your own risk
- Fixed a problem where the leap menu always added a gray border around player skin.
- Removed duplicate entries on the "!dt" command.
- Reset warp location in Diana helper after warp.
- Fixed an issue where the blessing display didn't update colors correctly.
- Fixed leap helper box being offset.
- Made shaders use an older version for larger compatibility range.
- Added hover animation for leap menu.
- Added ability to use number keys (1-4) to leap to players in leap menu.
- Made ESP scanning more performant and accurate.
- Improved performance with a new outline renderer.
- Fixed RenderOptimizer not working.
- Added dedicated star mob ESP under custom ESP.
- Added more support commands for incorrect usage.
- Added text shadow option for term solver.
- Added a "soopy" command which wraps Twitch commands (may have limited functionality).
- Added text shadow for most text HUDs.
- Fixed an issue where render fail didn't work in etherwarp helper.
- Added option to trace mobs using ESP.
- Improved performance of diorite fucker using packets.
- Added command for joining Kuudra /od t5.
- Added chat command for joining Kuudra "!t 5".
Introduced a new Kuudra category containing:
- Kuudra Reminders: Displays reminders about Kuudra.
- Supply Waypoints: Renders waypoints for supplies in Kuudra.
- Pearl Waypoints: Renders waypoints for pearls in Kuudra.
- Team Highlight: Highlights your teammates in Kuudra.
- Kuudra Display: Displays information about Kuudra.
- Pre-Spot Alert: Alerts the party about the state of a pre-spot.
- Remove Perks: Removes certain perks from the perk menu.
- Vanq Notifier: Notifies you when a vanquisher is nearby.
- Build Helper: Assists in building the ballista in Kuudra.
- Fresh Timer: Shows the time until fresh tools.
- Splits: Provides splits for phases of Kuudra.
Removed due to being bannable:
- Terminal TriggerBot
- SuperBoom
- AutoLeap
- Auto mask
Cheater Version:
- Merged auto ult and auto wish into reminders.