Pre-releaseWhen downloading the mod please make sure you download the version that fits you
"Odin-version" is the legit version which doesn't have anything that breaks the Hypixel rules
"OdinClient-version" is the cheater version which may get you banned if used recklessly
Either way as all skyblock mods this mod is use at your own risk
Added a reset button to TP maze solver.
Added BlazeSolver under PuzzleSolver module.
Added LockCursor to legit version.
Improved WaterSolver scanning to be more consistent.
Move PlayerDisplay to Skyblock category.
Removed a modMessage from DungeonWaypoints.
Fixed an issue where config didn't save properly.
Fixed dragon alerts under WitherDragons module working while module is off.
Changed Custom Term GUI under TerminalSolver module clicking method (should bypass other mods doing stuff that they shouldn't).
Fixed a crash with leap menu.
Full Changelog: 1.2.5.beta5...1.2.5.beta6
When downloading the mod please make sure you download the version that fits you
"Odin-version" is the legit version which doesn't have anything that breaks the Hypixel rules
"OdinClient-version" is the cheater version which may get you banned if used recklessly
Either way as all skyblock mods this mod is use at your own risk