Deprecation warning: I have archived this repository as this script does not work in modern versions of Scriptable.
ScriptMerge was created to address the need for a way to "flatten" any importModule calls in Scriptable scripts. It's the third iteration of such a project that I've worked on, and the first I'm satisfied with.
- Per-module variable prefixing
- Dependency-only variable collection
- module and GUI endpoints
- built-in minification
ScriptMerge can be used as a pre-merged flat file. See this project's releases
ScriptMerge can build itself from the collection of modules it depends upon. Either select ScriptMerge.js through the GUI or build it using the module's ScriptMerge class
Building is made possible using my Scriptable Mocks Package
npm i
npm run build
The gui can be called with ScriptMerge.gui([path]) Omitting the path prompts the user to select a file. Once a path has been set, the user can modify the settings object or merge the script. The user then decides what to do with the merged output
Create a ScriptMerge instance using new ScriptMerge(, [settings]) or ScriptMerge.fromFile(, [settings]) to merge the file, use a ScriptMerge instance and call run()
src/ - Sources to all dependencies
AlertFactory.js - Easy alert building
Benchmark.js - Dead simple benchmark utility
BracketBuffer.js - Helps determine scope
buld.js - Build script for node with benchmark
configureObject.js - runtime configuration menus for arbitrary objects
escapeForRegex.js - sanitizes strings for use in regex
extension.js - determine extension of file (dep. for HardenedFS)
HardenedFS.js - FileManager analogue with errors instead of warnings
minify.js - Minify javascript strings
obfuscate.js - Broken javascript string obfuscator
ObjectiveCProxy.js - Proxy-like functionality for Scriptable APIs (dep. for AlertFactory)
ScriptMerge.js - Main ScriptMerge file, has bad feng shui
shouldDemo.js - Utility to check if a file is a module or the main script
stacktrace.js - Add function names to errors
StringRemover.js - Temporarily remove strings from javascript
Test.js - Unit testing framework
tryImport.js - Add module of origin to error messages
tsort.js - Sort dependencies
uuidGen.js - Utility to generate unique identifiers
dist/ - Prebuilt flat ScriptMerge file
ScriptMerge.js - minified for your use
ScriptMerge built.scriptable - Scriptable-ready built version
See src/ScriptMerge.js
See LICENSE.txt. This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License.