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This Repsoritory is the Code-Base for the course and your Projects.
The digital Book to the course is @ https://app.gitbook.com/@ohioh/s/introduction-to-quantum-computing/
Clean-Code: https://github.com/ohioh/CleanCode && https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html
For Questions write me tjark.ziehm@ohioh.de
IDEA: How code works text example: https://microcontrollerslab.com/save-data-esp32-flash-permanently-preferences-library/ Important Links:
- Install the virtualenv package $ pip install virtualenv
- Create the virtual environment in the folder you are $ virtualenv $NAME //$Name = your env name
- Activate the virtual Env $ source mypython/bin/activate
- First, freeze all of your pip packages in the requirements.txt file using the command
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt - Then install the requirements.txt file using the command
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Template requirements.txt to copy paste -> (Template)requirements.txt