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Microsatelite Instability (MSI) detection using msisensor-pro





java -jar cromwell.jar run msisensor.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
normalbam File normal input .bam file
normalbai File normal input .bai file
tumorbam File tumor input .bam file
tumorbai File tumor input .bai file
boostrapIt Boolean Enable bootstrapping
reference String reference genome of input sample

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
outputFileNamePrefix String basename("~{tumorbam}",".bam") Base name

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
runMSIsensor.outputFileNamePrefix String basename("~{tumorbam}",".bam") Base name
runMSIsensor.difficultRegions String? None Path to .bed of difficult regions to exclude
runMSIsensor.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
runMSIsensor.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
runMSIsensor.timeout Int 10 Hours before task timeout Int 100 number of bootstraps
bootstrapMSIsensor.loci Int 500 number of loci to include in each bootstrap
bootstrapMSIsensor.outputFileNamePrefix String basename("~{tumorbam}",".bam") Base name
bootstrapMSIsensor.jobMemory Int 64 Memory allocated for this job (GB)
bootstrapMSIsensor.threads Int 4 Requested CPU threads
bootstrapMSIsensor.timeout Int 10 Hours before task timeout
bootstrapMSIsensor.difficultRegions String? None bed file of regions to avoid, if necessary


Output Type Description Labels
msiGermline File A poorly documented output, ostensibly germline-specific metrics for MSI sites vidarr_label: msiGermline
msiSomatic File A poorly documented output, ostensibly somatic-specific metrics for MSI sites vidarr_label: msiSomatic
msiFinalOutput File Final msisensor call as .tsv, last column is msi score vidarr_label: msiFinalOutput
msibooted File? msisensor calls bootstrapped vidarr_label: msibooted


This section lists command(s) run by msisensor workflow

  • Running msisensor

Microsatelite Instability (MSI) detection using msisensor-pro. MSIsensor-pro is an updated version of msisensor. MSIsensor-pro evaluates Microsatellite Instability (MSI) for cancer patients with NGS data. It accepts the whole genome sequencing, whole exome sequencing and target region (panel) sequencing data as input. MSIsensor-pro introduces a multinomial distribution model to quantify polymerase slippages for each tumor sample and a discriminative sites selection method to enable MSI detection without matched normal samples.

Run msisensor-pro (the main step)

  set -euo pipefail
  msisensor-pro msi
    -d MSIFILE 
    -e difficultRegions (Optional)
    -n NORMAL_BAM 
    -t TUMOR_BAM
    -o BASENAME.msi 

Optional bootstrapping with the same inputs:

  set -euo pipefail
  for boot in {1..~{boots}}
  shuf -n ~{loci} ~{msifile} > rep.list
  sort -k1,1 -k2,2n rep.list > rep.list.sorted
  msisensor-pro msi 
   -d rep.list.sorted 
   -e difficultRegions (Optional)
   -o BASENAME.msi
  awk -v boot="${boot}" '$1 !~ "Total_Number_of_Sites" {print boot"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$3}' ~{basename}.msi >> ~{basename}.msi.booted


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