Download Unity: Make sure you have Unity installed with a minimum version of 2022.3.11f1. You can download the Unity Hub from the Unity website and then install the appropriate version from within Unity Hub. Clone the repository. In Unity Hub, go to the Projects tab. Select Open or Add (depending on your Unity Hub version). Browse to the project folder you downloaded or cloned. Select the project folder (it should contain folders like Assets, Packages, and ProjectSettings).
Required Dependencies Add the following to your Packages/manifest.json file if required: "dependencies": { "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.0.2"
Run Unity > Assets > Refresh to install dependencies.
Configure SDK Credentials Obtain your API keys and credentials from Set up google cloud console
- Google Cloud Console
- Create a “Resources” folder in Assets Go to Unity>SDK>Credentials Manager Press on “Create New Credentials” and input the API key from the Okto Dashboard, Client Id and Client secret key from the Google Cloud Console.