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😎 Opinionated Neovim plugin for organizing Obsidian-like vaults.

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πŸ—„οΈ Vault

🚧 Please Note: This plugin is currently in the early stages of development. Changes and potential breakages may occur as it evolves.

Plugin to manage Obsidian-like vaults in Neovim.

The plugin might not suit everyone's organizational preferences but aims to serve as a reference and potentially become more customizable in the future.

✨ Features

  • Fetch:
    • notes in vault.
    • notes associated with a tag.
    • tags in vault.
    • tags associated with a note.
  • Telescope integration:
    • Search for notes in vault
      • Search by title
      • Search by tag
    • Search for tags in vault
    • Browse nested tags from a root tag
  • nvim-cmp integration:
    • Autocompletion for tags (triggered by #)
    • Autocompletion for dates (triggered by century 20)
    • Autocompletion for weekday (triggered after date)

🀨 Motivation

I developed this plugin with the goal of harnessing Neovim's power to manage my Obsidian vault, tailored to my distinctive note organization style. While I also appreciate and use the fantastic obsidian.nvim plugin, I embarked on creating my own solution to provide the flexibility to adapt and customize it according to my unique requirements and preferences.

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

return {
  dependencies = {
  config = function()

βš™οΈ Configuration


  dirs = {
    root = "~/knowledge", -- Root directory of vault.
    inbox = "inbox", -- Inbox directory relative to root.
    docs = "_docs", -- Docs directory relative to root.
    templates = "_templates", -- Templates directory relative to root.
    journal = {
      root = "Journal", -- Journal root directory relative to root.
      daily = "Journal/Daily", -- Daily journal directory relative to journal root.
      weekly = "Journal/Weekly", -- Weekly journal directory relative to journal root.
      monthly = "Journal/Monthly", -- Monthly journal directory relative to journal root.
      yearly = "Journal/Yearly", -- Yearly journal directory relative to journal root.
	ignore = { -- Ignore files and directories.
	ext = ".md", -- File extension for notes.
  tag = {
    valid = {
      hex = true, -- Hex color is a valid tag.
  search_pattern = { -- Search patterns for various vault objects.
    tag = "#([A-Za-z0-9/_-]+)[\r|%s|\n|$]", -- Tag search pattern.
    wikilink = "%[%[([A-Za-z0-9/_-]+)%]%]", -- Wikilink search pattern.

πŸš€ Usage


The plugin provides the following commands for seamless navigation and searching within the vault:

  • :VaultNotes: Opens the Telescope note search picker. It autocompletes arguments as note filenames. For quick access to a specific note, use :VaultNotes <filename> to open it immediately.
  • :VaultTags: Opens the Telescope tag search picker. It autocompletes arguments as tag names. Use :VaultTags <tag> to swiftly access notes associated with the specified tag.
  • :VaultDates: Opens the Telescope date search picker. It autocompletes arguments as dates.
  • :VaultToday: Opens the today's daily journal note, even if it doesn't exist yet.
  • :VaultInbox: Opens the Telescope note search picker for the inbox directory.


Vault module

--- Setup vault.
---@param opts table? -- An optional table of options.

---Fetch an array of all notes in vault.
---@type table[] -- An array of note objects.

---Fetch an array of notes filtered by tags.
---@param include table[]? -- An array of tag values to include.
---@param exclude table[]? -- An array of tag values to exclude.
---@param match_opt string? -- An optional table of match options. E.g "exact", "contains", "startwith", "endwith", "regex". If not provided, "exact" will be used.
---@param mode string? -- A mode to filter notes by. E.g. "all", "any", "none". If not provided, "all" will be used.
---@type table[] -- An array of note objects.
require('vault').notes_filter_by_tags(include, exclude, match_opts, mode)

--- Fetch an array of all tags in vault.
---@param include table[]? -- An optional array of tag values to include.
---@param exclude table[]? -- An optional array of tag values to exclude.
---@param match_opt string? -- An optional table of match options. E.g "exact", "contains", "startwith", "endwith", "regex". If not provided, "exact" will be used.
---@type table[] -- An array of tag objects.
require('vault').tags(include, exclude, match_opt)

Telescope pickers

---Open Telescope note search picker.
---@param notes table[]? -- An optional array of Note objects to search. If not provided, all notes in vault will be searched.

---Open Telescope tag search picker.
---@param include table[]? -- An optional array of tag values to include.
---@param exclude table[]? -- An optional array of tag values to exclude.
---@param match_opt string? -- An optional table of match options. E.g "exact", "contains", "startwith", "endwith", "regex". If not provided, "exact" will be used.
require('vault.pickers').tags(include, exclude, match_opt)

---Open Telescope notes picker for a specific tags.
---@param include table[]? -- An array of tag values to include.
---@param exclude table[]? -- An array of tag values to exclude.
---@param match_opt string? -- An optional table of match options. E.g "exact", "contains", "startwith", "endwith", "regex". If not provided, "exact" will be used.
---@param mode string? -- A mode to filter notes by. E.g. "all", "any", "none". If not provided, "all" will be used.
require('vault.pickers').notes_filter_by_tags(include, exclude, match_opts, mode)

---Open Telescope picker to browse nested tags from a root tag.

---Open Telescope picker for dates.
---@param start_date string -- Start date in ISO 8601 format. E.g. "2023-01-01". If not provided, the week ago date will be used.
---@param end_date string -- End date in ISO 8601 format. E.g. "2023-01-31". If not provided, the current date will be used.
require('vault.pickers').dates(start_date, end_date)

---Open Telescope picker for notes in the inbox directory.

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😎 Opinionated Neovim plugin for organizing Obsidian-like vaults.







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