Bopriskartan is a tool for generating heatmaps, visualizing the price development of housing. It takes a csv file as input and generates a png file as output. This png can then be used as a custom layer on for instance, google maps.
A simple scraper script is included which fetches sold prices from Booli:s Api and prints the to stdout.
In order to use the tool, Go must be installed on your machine.
Clone the repository to $GOPATH/src.
The project uses dep as dependency management tool. In order to build the project, go/dep must first be installed.
$> go get -u
The project can then be built by the included Makefile.
$> make
or it can be compiled directly with go build from the src directory.
$> go get
$> go build heatmap.go main.go -o heatmap
In order to create a heatmap we need one or more data files containing prices for sold housing objects and a configuration file which tells both the scraper and the heatmap generator which area the prices are covering.
The configuration must be written in yaml format and contain the following fields:
name: stockholm
heatmap_width: 1000
heatmap_height: 1000
heatmap_step: 5000
min_price_limit: 20000
max_price_limit: 120000
lat_lo: 59.205634
lng_lo: 17.846684
lat_hi: 59.439306
lng_hi: 18.266219
lat_center: 59.324818
lng_center: 18.072342
zoom: 13
Name | Description |
name | Title of the html page |
heatmap_width | The width of the generated png |
heatmap_height | The height of the generated png |
heatmap_step | The step in price between max_price_limit and min_price_limit, determines how many color buckets will be generated in between |
min_price_limit | First color bucket |
max_price_limit | Last color bucket |
lat_lo, lat_hi | Latitude values |
lng_lo, lng_hi | Longtitude values |
lat_center, lng_center | The center point on the generated map |
zoom | The zoom level of the generated map |
lat_lo, lng_lo, lat_hi and lng_hi should together create a rectangular box of a geographic area. (lat_hi, lng_hi) are the northeast corner and (lat_lo, lng_lo) are south west corner.
A small python (3) script is included in the repo which loads data from the Booli Api and prints the data to stdout in correct format.
$>./ -h
usage: [-h] -c CONFIG_PATH -f 2017-01-01 -t 2017-01-07
[-o {villa, lägenhet, gård, tomt-mark,fritidshus, parhus,radhus,kedjehus}]
Booli API scraper for sold objects
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to config file
-f 2017-01-01, --from_date 2017-01-01
Date to query objects from
-t 2017-01-07, --to_date 2017-01-07
Date to query objects to
-o {villa, lägenhet, gård, tomt-mark,fritidshus, parhus,radhus,kedjehus}, --object_type {villa, lägenhet, gård, tomt-mark,fritidshus, parhus,radhus,kedjehus}
Type of object to query (optional)
In order to use the script, you need to have a booli API account. The username and key must then be set as environment variables.
$> export BOOLI_USERNAME={your username}
$> export BOOLI_KEY={your key}
Then the scraper can be used to pull price data from the API.
$> ./ -c {path/to/config.yml} -f 2017-01-01 -t 2017-01-31 -o 'lägenhet' > data.csv
The data file has the following structure:
$> head data.csv
The heatmaps are generated with the heatmap_gen binary.
$> ./heatmap -h
Usage of ./heatmap:
-b Prints bucket list to output
-c string
Path to config file (default "config.yml")
-d string
Path to input data
-o string
Path to output (default "/.")
When you have a csv file containing price data, a heatmap can be generated:
$> cat data.csv | heatmap_gen -c {path/to/config.yml} -o heatmap.png
Also, the color buckets can be generated to a file as a json object.
$> ./heatmap_gen -c {path/to/config.yml} -o color_buckets.json -b
Now when we have the heatmap image we can add it as a custom layer ontop of a map. A python (3) scripts is included which makes use of a html template in jinja format. The generated html file will be placed in the same directory as the configuration file.
$> ./ -h
[-f FILES]
Generates a google maps page with the heatmaps as custom overlays. The program
takes a list of paths to the heatmaps as input to stdin or they can be
provided with the -f flag
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to config file
Path to template file
Path to bucket file
-f FILES, --files FILES
(optional) Comma seperated list of pathsto heatmap
Given a configuration file, a heatmap, a bucket.json and a template (which is included) a html file can be generated.
$> find . -name "*.png" | ./template_gen -c /{path/to/config.yml} -t template.html.j2 -b color_buckets.json