- Dotless 1.4.1 for compiling LESS into CSS
- Bootstrap 3.3.1 for responsive layout and components
- Angular 1.5.2 for MV* architecture
- TypeScript 1.5 for writing typed JavaScript
- Jasmine 2.5.2 for JavaScript unit tests
- .NET 4.5 framework for business logic
- .NET MVC 5.1 for the web application framework
- Razor 2.6.3 for rendering views
- .NET Web API 2.2 for the API layer
- .NET Entity Framework 6 for database creation and migrations
- NUnit 2.6.3 for unit testing C# code
A Design System lets you see more than just the styles; here you can see everything that comprises your application.
View the application's templates and see the sections which you can inject content into.
Your API documentation is generated automatically for you.