This python scrypt is generating BTC private keys and is checking them on blockstream API. You can set your own HEX range for Private Keys to be generated. I found this api can handle about 2-3 windows opened at same time more than 3 gets sometimes lagged or blocked by API for few minutes. This btc private keys generator is inspirated by one more here on github but this one has added HEX range function. If you wish to support this project you can do it by:
DOGE: DLDauwbLg97GPgeh2T4xr1HY8aR7EuBGMG
Only thing you gonna need is Python
1.Download it or use git clone in terminal need to install few dependecies : pip install base58 hashlib requests ecdsa
3.go to folder cd PKgen_HEXrange-main
4.last step run it python
Default HEX range is set for puzzle #64, If you wish to set own range follow this steps:
1, open folder PKgen_HEXrange-main
2, right click on
and open with some editor: notepad,notepad++,Atom ...
3, scroll down and find line ran = r.randrange(415051741658795330514, 830103483316929822451+1)
4, HEX range is in Decimal numbers so to get your own range, use some convertor and convert your HEX number and put it to decimal
5, after your numbers are converted put them instead of numbers in step 3, IMPORTANT in second number on right you need to leave that +1
how is it and thats all just save the file and continue by Instructions upper in text