< 🌱 I'm a Tech Lead & Full Stack Web Developer specializing in PHP/Laravel & Vue.js >
< 🔭 Currently working as Tech Lead & Senior Full Stack Developer with Ajeer App >
< 🌱 Passionate about building SAAS applications >
Lexi Translate simplify managing translations for multilingual Eloquent models with power of morph relationships and caching .
Gpdf Open Source HTML to PDF converter for PHP & Laravel Applications, supports Arabic content out-of-the-box and other languages.
laravel Taxify Laravel Taxify provides a set of helper functions and classes to simplify tax (VAT) calculations within Laravel applications.
laravel Deployer Streamlined Deployment for Laravel and Node.js apps, with Zero-Downtime and various environments and branches.
laravel Trash Cleaner clean logs and debug files for debugging packages.
laravel Time Craft simple trait and helper functions that allow you, Effortlessly manage date and time queries in Laravel apps.
PHP builders sample php traits to add ability to use builder design patterns with easy in PHP applications.
PhpPy - PHP Python Interact with python in PHP applications.
Laravel Py - Laravel Python interact with python in Laravel applications.
deepseek PHP client robust and community-driven PHP client library for seamless integration with the Deepseek API, offering efficient access to advanced AI and data processing capabilities .
deepseek laravel Laravel wrapper for Deepseek PHP client to seamless deepseek AI API integration with Laravel applications.
Qwen PHP client robust and community-driven PHP client library for seamless integration with the Qwen API .
Laravel qwen wrapper for qwen PHP client to seamless Alibaba qwen AI API integration with Laravel applications..
Laravel Startkit Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects.
Kunafa Dashboard Vue A feature-rich Vue.js 3 dashboard template with multi-language support and full RTL/LTR bidirectional layout capabilities.
Clean Code Summary summarize and notes for books and practices about clean code.
SOLID Principles Summary summarize and notes for books about SOLID Principles.
Laravel Taxify is a powerful and easy-to-use package designed to simplify tax calculation within Laravel applications. Read More
Introducing Laravel Deployer, a cutting-edge package revolutionizing the deployment process for Laravel and Node.js applications. Read more