Cliptopia's Clipboard Watcher Daemon for Linux
Watches the system clipboard to provide clipboard caching.
Maintained Cache is located at: ~/.config/cliptopia/cache
Usage: cliptopia-daemon [OPTIONS]
where OPTIONS could be one of these:
--start Start Daemon
--stop Stop Daemon
--status Show Daemon Status
--restart Stop and Restart Daemon
--reset-cache Stops the Daemon and clears the clipboard cache (not-recommended)
--version Prints program version
--help Prints this help message
and optionally:
--debug Enable printing logs to the terminal (should only be used when debugging)
cliptopia-daemon --start --debug # to start the daemon in debug mode
cliptopia-daemon --stop # to stop any running instance of the daemon
cliptopia-daemon --status # to check if the daemon is alive or stopped
cliptopia-daemon --restart # to stop the running instance and restart the daemon
git clone
cd cliptopia_daemon
git clone
cd cliptopia_daemon
dart compile exe --target-os linux --output cliptopia-daemon bin/cliptopia_daemon.dart
dart compile exe --target-os linux --output cliptopia-daemon bin/cliptopia_daemon.dart