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Ondrej Zara edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 1 revision


Many aspects of WWW SQL Designer can be customized and enhanced. If you manage to create a new locale / db / backend, feel free to send it to me. I will include your feature in a distribution archive.


Visual properties of the application can be tuned by editing files in css/ subdirectory.


Locales can be edited and added in locale/ subdirectory. New locales must be also registered in js/config.js.


Supported databases (their datatypes and XSLT template) are stored in db/ subdirectory. Each database has a datatype definition file (datatypes.xml) and a XSL transformation (output.xsl). New databases must be also registered in js/config.js.


Serverside backends allow you to save, load, list and import DB designs. They are written in a serverside scripting language and communicate via HTTP requests. Backends are stored in backend/ subdirectory. A brief summary of backend API follows:

  • Saving

Request: POST ?action=save&keyword=somename, XML data contained in POST body
Valid responses: HTTP/201 Created, HTTP/500 Internal Server Error, HTTP/503 Service Unavailable

  • Loading

Request: GET ?action=load&keyword=somename
Valid responses: HTTP/200 OK (loaded XML in response body), HTTP/404 Not Found, HTTP/503 Service Unavailable

  • Listing

Request: GET ?action=list
Valid responses: HTTP/200 OK (list of available designs separated by newlines in response body), HTTP/503 Service Unavailable

  • Importing

Request: GET ?action=import
Valid responses: HTTP/200 OK (imported data in response body), HTTP/503 Service Unavailable

For every action mentioned, the backend may also return HTTP/501 Not Implemented, meaning that this action is not supported by the backend.

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