An AI SaaS web app helping home cooks and busy adults ease the stresses of cooking and grocery budgeting.
Reciplease provides users with detailed recipes for their search queries — which come in three varieties: By Ingredient, By Recipe Name, and Random.
Once authenticated, users can:
- search for recipes
- generate detailed recipes with an interactive ingredient list
- save recipes to view later
- view, modify, and generate their shopping list with # estimates
- view their account activity history
- update their credentials
- Vue.js
- Pinia
- Nuxt
- Tailwind CSS
- Node.js
- Firebase (Auth, Firestore)
- CloudFlare (Domains, Pages)
- Vue Router
- Profanity
- VueUse
- Validator
- Rough Notation
- Underscore.string
- Nuxt Security
- Nuxt Fonts
- Nuxt Images
- Nuxt SEO
- Nuxt UI
- Nuxt Device
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