Lead Software Engineer/Developer, Team Lead, and Architect
π§ fritz@latebit.io | π LinkedIn
- love to code
- love to talk about development
- love architecting software and systems
- love building kick ass teams
- Languages: Go, C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, SQL, HTML, HTMX, YAML, JSON, XML
- Technologies: Kafka, Kubernetes, cloud - GCP and Digital Ocean, MongoDB, Postgres, MS SQL, SQLite, ArgoCD, Argo-Workflows, OpenFaaS, Linux, OSX, BullMQ, Git, GitHub Actions, .NET, Express.js, Git-Ops, Dev-Ops, Node.js, infrastructure as code, CI/CD, unit testing, integration testing, desktop applications, web applications, Docker, K8s controller development, JWT, token-based auth, Vault, service mesh, API-Gateway, dependency and package management
- Architecture and Design: Microservices, service-oriented, monoliths, component-based, composable, vertical slice, CQRS, event-based, object-oriented design and development, SOLID, design patterns, REST API, event-sourcing, mono-repo, MVC
- Other: Leading teams and projects, mentoring, accountability, research and development, skateboarding
- Spoken and Written Language: English