(The program checks all cron commands one by one in order and waits for the time you specify between both cron codes)
A common concern for most people is that crons tire the server and disable sites. The reason for this is generally because your sites are triggering cron on your server at the same time and many plugins are running at the same time. This software triggers the cron commands of your sites before they are uploaded to the server. In this way, your sites seamlessly add content and continue.
- Waits for certain seconds between each cron.
- It continues operations as long as it remains open thanks to the unlimited loop.
- Your crons will not be disabled due to any server error.
- It can run on a low-spec Windows vps or vds.
- You don't have to worry about giving cron to your sites at different minutes.
- It takes 1.2 seconds to trigger an average cron without waiting.