Construal in language: a visual-world approach to the effects of linguistic alternations on event perception and conception
This repository contains scripts for the analyses reported in
Divjak, D., Milin, P., and Medimorec, S. (2020). Construal in language: A visual-world approach to the effects of linguistic alternations on event perception and conception. Cognitive Linguistics, 31(1).
The paper-package is split into R
script files which are hosted here on GitHub and the supporting datasets in csv
format are available at University of Birmingham UBIRA eData platform: UBIRA eData link.
The study contains several analyses, as is typical for studies that report eye-movement data. Each part of the analysis is kept in a separate R
script file and a corresponding data file. Script and data files parallel the analytic steps in the following order:
Paper section |
R scripts |
Data files |
3.1 Pre-analysing the effect of the experimental manipulation |
3.1_ExperimentalManipulation.R |
preposition_path_data.csv voice_path_data.csv dative_path_data.csv preposition_pupil_data.csv voice_pupil_data.csv dative_pupil_data.csv |
3.2 Order of access |
3.2_OrderOfAccess.R |
preposition_order_data.csv voice_order_data.csv dative_order_data.csv |
3.3 First run gaze duration 3.4 Total gaze duration per interest area |
3.3-4_Durations.R |
preposition_first_dwell_data.csv voice_first_dwell_data.csv dative_first_dwell_data.csv preposition_total_dwell_data.csv voice_total_dwell_data.csv dative_total_dwell_data.csv |
Supplemental materials B |
SuplB_CombinedAnalysis.R |
combined_analysis.csv |
- power-transformed (Box-Cox) gaze path length
- power-transformed (Box-Cox) average pupil size
- order of access of the respective interest area
- power-transformed (Box-Cox) first run dwell time (i.e., gaze duration)
- power-transformed (Box-Cox) total dwell duration (i.e., total fixation duration)
- scaled (z-transformed) order of the trial
- category of constructions (natural for naturalistic viewing; PREPOSITION: typical and atypical; VOICE: active and passive; DATIVE: NP and PP)
- whether the canonical construction (typical, active, NP) is presented before its atypical partner (atypical, passive, PP); this is a binary or dummy coded variable
- interest area labels (A, B, C)
Combined independent variables
- interaction (combination) of the interest area and the category
- experimental items (image/sentence)
- participant ID
Combined random effect variables
- interaction (combination) of participant and position of the interest area (e.g., U, D, L, R, NO)
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