Example implementation of a Spring Boot starter project that auto-configures a Google Id token verifier for server side verification
- Starter Project
- Sample Application
The social-google-spring-boot-starter
is a Spring Boot application that allows users authenticate google token and access user information.
To get started, replace/add the google client id and issuer (if different from default (https://accounts.google.com)) in application.yml
Add GoogleTokenVerifierTemplate class as dependency. Get the GoogleIdToken object after verification with the google identifier service
GoogleIdToken googleIdToken = googleTokenVerifierTemplate.verify(idToken.getIdToken());
After replacing the configuration properties with valid client ids, start the application using mvn spring-boot:run
This will start a web application on http://localhost:8080
Get the valid google authorized id token. Send the post request, see below.
POST http://localhost:8080/verify
"idToken":"token string"
"givenName":"Alex" ,