Technical writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, consumer electronics, biotechnology, and forestry. ~ Wikipedia
List inspired by the awesome and awesome-jamstack lists
- Community
- Courses
- Books
- Style Guides
- Useful Tools
- Resources
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Conferences
- Speaker Decks
- Technical Writers to Follow
- Hashnode
- r/technicalwriting
- Google's Season of Docs
- freeCodeCamp News
- ycombinator News
- Hackernoon
- Write the Docs
- The Good Docs Project
- LinkedIn Technical Writing Community
- Society for Technical Communication
- The Manuscript Academy
- Google Technical Writing Courses
- Tech Writing for Accessibility
- Writing Helpful Error Messages
- Technical Writing: Documentation on Software Projects
- Coding for Writers: Basic Programming
- Class Central Technical Writing
- Professional Technical Writing: Advance Your Writing Skills
- Technical Writing: Master Your Writing Career
- English 305: Advanced Technical Writing
- Technical Communication Techniques and Principles for Project Managers
- Documenting APIs: A Guide for Technical Writers
- Docs for Developers: An Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical Writing by Jared Bhatti, Zach Corleissen, Jen Lambourne, David Nuñez, and Heidi Waterhouse.
- The Developer's Guide to Content Creation by Stephanie Morillo.
- The Developer's Guide to Creating a Successful Blog by Flavio Copes.
- Everybody Writes: Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley.
- Technical Writing for Dummies by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts.
- The Handbook of Technical Writing by Gerald J. Alre, Walter E. Oliu, and Charles T. Brusaw.
- How To Write Usable User Documentation by Edmond H. Weiss.
- Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works by Janice Redish.
- Docs Like Code: Collaborate and Automate to Improve Technical Documentation by Anne Gentle.
- The Product is Docs: Writing Technical Documentation in a Product Development Group by Christopher Gales and Splunk Documentation Team.
- Every Page Is Page One: Topic-Based Writing for Technical Communication and the Web by Mark Baker.
- Modern Technical Writing: An Introduction to Software by Andrew Etter.
- Microsoft Manual of Style
- IBM Editorial Style Guide
- The Red Hat Style Guide
- Google Developer Documentation Style Guide
- Chicago Manual of Style
- University of Oxford Style Guide
- technical-writing-template - A sample template with guidelines for writing technical articles.
- Paid Community Writer Programs - A list of companies that have paid developer community writer programs.
- Who Pays Technical Writers? - A curated collection of active publishers, publications, and agencies that pay fair rates for high-quality technical content.
- HackMD - Real-time collaborate on technical documentation in markdown.
- Dropbox Paper - A flexible workspace for collaborative document-editing.
- Google Docs - Smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs.
- Notion - The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis and databases.
- Notion AI - Leverage the limitless power of AI in any Notion page, write faster and augment your creativity.
- Grammarly - a writing assistant that goes deeper than grammar to offer you comprehensive writing feedback.
- Canva - A graphic design platform that allows you to create social media graphics, and other visual content.
- TinyPNG - Smart PNG and JPEG image compression.
- Full Page Screen Capture - The simplest way to take a full page screenshot of your current browser window.
- Awesome Screenshot: Screen Video Recorder - Screen Capture full page screenshot and recorder for screencast.
- Readme Markdown Generator - CLI that generates beautiful files.
- Capture to a Gif - Record content of pages to an animated gif picture from browser.
- Microsoft Word - Spelling, grammar, and intelligent suggestions to assist you across documents, email, and on the web.
- Log4brains - Docs-as-code knowledge base to manage Architecture Decision Records (ADR) for your project and publish them automatically as a static website.
- Antidote - The corrector analyzes your text and flags any detections.
- LanguageTool - Open-source writing assistant, an alternative to Grammarly.
- HemingwayApp - Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Helps fix long & complex sentences.
- ChatGPT - A conversational chatbot that can generate human-like responses to natural language prompts.
- The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation
- How to Create Great Content: A Step-by-Step Guide to Content Marketing That Delivers Real Results
- 9 Tips to Become the Best Content Creator in Your Industry
- Advice for Technical Writing
- Becoming a Technical Writer at Google
- 15 Tips to Improve Your Technical Writing
- How to Become a Technical Writer: A Beginner’s Guide
- How to Create Cover Images for Your Devblog Posts
- Introducing Google Season of Docs
- How to Start a Software YouTube Channel
- Starting a YouTube Channel as a Software Developer
- How to Create a Programming YouTube Channel - Lessons From 5 Years and 1 Million Subscribers
- Developers: The Why and How to Writing Technical Articles
- How to Improve the SEO of Your Devblog Articles
- How to Improve the SEO of Your Devblog
- Technical Writing: Why and How?
- Minimalist Approach to Technical Documentation
- A beginner’s guide to writing documentation
- Crash Course in APIs for Technical Writers
- Technical Writing: What and How?
- Write For Us: A List of Companies Who Pay Freelancers for Writing Tutorials
- Technical Writing Books: A Curated Collection of Books to Help You Be a Better Technical Writer
- Everything Technical Writing: Tips and Techniques that'll Help You Thrive as a Technical Writer in the Software Industry
- GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals
- Becoming a Technical Writer at Google
- Content Creation Strategies: How To Create Content Online
- How to start a Coding YouTube channel (with tips from a bunch of successful creators!)
- How To Start A Programming YouTube Channel With Coding Tutorials 360
- 15 Technical Writing Tips
- What is Technical Writing? | Writing Genre Fundamentals
- Meet Technical Writers at Google
- Technical Writing 101: Introduction to Technical Writing
- What do Technical Writers do? (Also, what is Technical Writing?)
- How to become a Technical Writer | Skills & Career Growth
- Writing technical documentation
- Write The Docs Podcast & Meetups
- Write the Readable README
- GitHub as a Landing Page
- Lessons Learned From Rebuilding a Developer Documentation Website
- A Balanced Diet of Documentation
- Write your Docs like Nobody Reads Them
- The Developer's Guide to Technical Writing
- How to write technical blog posts
- Technical Writing Portfolio
- How to Document APIs Using Postman
- The Manuscript Podcast - The intersection of writing and the development of technology products.
- The Manuscript Academy Podcast - Interviews with agents and editors, how-to tips, and behind-the-scenes looks at the creation of the Academy.
- Write the Docs Podcast - The Write the Docs Podcast publishes discussion-style podcasts focusing on topics related to the Write the Docs community.
- The Not-Boring Tech Writer - The Not-Boring Tech Writer podcast introduces technical writers skills used in the open data movement.
- Write the Docs Conferences
- The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference
- API the Docs
- Technical Communication UK Metro Conference
- MadWorld
- WritersUA West Content Pro Conference
- Effective Documentation: The Key to Open Source Growth
- Technical Writing for Non-Writers
- Beyond The Editor: Automating Your Writing Process
Name | Link to Blog | Blog Niche | Link to Twitter |
Bolaji Ayodeji | | Web/Data Engineering, JavaScript, Python, Machine Learning, and Ecommerce. | @iambolajiayo |
Angie Jones | | Test Automation, and Java. | @techgirl1908 |
Sarah Drasner | | Web Development, Vuejs, and SVGs. | @sarah_edo |
Prosper Otemuyiwa | | All things Technical and Magical. | @unicodeveloper |
Ire Aderinokun | | Frontend Development and JavaScript. | @ireaderinokun |
Tom Johnson | | Technical Writing and API lessons. | @tomjohnson |
Anne Gentle | | Doc as Code. | @annegentle |
Kayce Basques | | Dev tools and Documentation. | @kaycebasques |
Tania Rascia | | Modern JavaScript, Node.js, and development. | @taniarascia |
SWYX | | Web Development, React and Tech. | @swyx |
Sean C Davis | | Web Development and Jamstack. | @seancdavis29 |
Alvaro Montoro | | CSS and HTML. | @alvaro_montoro |
Linda Ikechukwu | | Technical Writing and Developer Documentation. | @_mslinda |
Amruta Ranade | | Technical Writing and Developer Documentation. | @AmrutaRanade |
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