Find and use high quality data published by our data colleagues of the FOPH for all Cantons and FL:
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The aim of this repository is to provide open government datasets for SARS-CoV-2 related data reported by the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since Jun 8, 2020 most cantons report case numbers at least once or twice a week. Updates of cantonal case numbers during weekends are infrequent.
If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to contact us:
- (follow us, we send you a private Direct Message, thanks!)
Swiss Cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Canton Zurich
- Unified dataset
- More detailed dataset
- Postal codes (Postleitzahl)
- Districts (Bezirke)
- Travel self quarantine
- Intensive care occupancy
- Variants of Concern (VOC) - Note: ZH data is deprecated (2021-02-12); since 2021-02-19 FOPH publishes data for all Cantons ("virusVariants",
- Vaccination campaign
Don't forget to take a look at the community contributions.
General description
This data is generated and validated daily using manual and automated procedures. Note that we only publish data that are reported by the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Thus, gaps result if Swiss Cantons or the Principality of Liechtenstein do not report data for the specific date.
Description: Case numbers for each spatial unit separately
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
Additional remark: Link to deprecated dataset (data structure has changed)
Description: Case numbers for all spatial units in one single file.
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
Additional remark: Link to deprecated dataset (data structure has changed)
Field Name | Description | Format | Note |
date | Date of notification | YYYY-MM-DD | |
time | Time of notification | HH:MM | |
abbreviation_canton_and_fl | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | Text | |
ncumul_tested | Reported number of tests performed as of date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
ncumul_conf | Reported number of confirmed cases as of date | Number | Only cases that reside in the current canton |
new_hosp | new hospitalisations since last date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
current_hosp | Reported number of hospitalised patients on date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
current_icu | Reported number of hospitalised patients in ICUs on date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
current_vent | Reported number of patients requiring invasive ventilation on date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
ncumul_released | Reported number of patients released from hospitals or reported recovered as of date | Number | Irrespective of canton of residence |
ncumul_deceased | Reported number of deceased as of date | Number | Only cases that reside in the current canton |
source | Source of the information | href | |
current_isolated | Reported number of isolated persons on date | Number | Infected persons, who are not hospitalised |
current_quarantined | Reported number of quarantined persons on date | Number | Persons, who were in 'close contact' with an infected person, while that person was infectious, and are not hospitalised themselves |
current_quarantined_riskareatravel | Reported number of quarantined persons on date | Number | People arriving in Switzerland from certain countries and areas, who are required to go into quarantine. |
Empty values vs. 0
Value | Meaning |
0 | Zero cases are reported. |
empty | No value is reported. |
The latest updates are visualized here.
Canton / FL | Last update (of any variable) | Important notes |
FL | ||
AG | Since 2022-03-04 AG is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
AI | Since 2022-03-31 AI is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
AR | Since 2021-01-22 AR is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
BE | Since 2022-03-31 BE is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
BL | ||
BS | ||
FR | ||
GE | ||
GL | Since 2022-02-09 GL is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
GR | Since 2022-03-31 GR is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
JU | ||
LU | ||
NE | ||
NW | ||
OW | ||
SG | ||
SH | ||
SO | ||
SZ | Since 2022-03-07 SZ is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
TG | Since 2022-05-16 TG is updating data only once per week (on Mondays). | |
TI | ||
UR | Since 2022-03-31 UR is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
VD | ||
VS | Since 2022-05-31 VS is not publishing updated case numbers on its website anymore, but referencing to FOPH. You find respective data via FOPH's API: | |
ZG | ||
ZH | Since 2022-03-14 ZH is updating data only once per week (on Tuesdays). Since 2023-01-03 ZH is not publishing updated case numbers. |
Description: Selected cantons publish more detailed datasets.
Spatial unit: Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein
Format: csv
Additional remark: Not all datasets are maintained.
Maintained datasets
Unmaintained datasets
COVID19_Fallzahlen_Kanton_BS_alter_geschlecht.csv (Basel-Stadt data in this format continues to be maintained here:
Metadata for unmaintained datasets
Field Name | Description | Format | Reporting Cantons |
Date | ZH = Date of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) BL = Date of death BS = Date of notification |
Area | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | ||
AgeYear | Number | ZH,BS,BL | |
Gender | Text | ZH,BS,BL | |
NewConfCases | Number of Confirmed Cases | Number | ZH |
NewDeaths | Number of Deceased | Number | ZH,BS,BL |
PreExistingCond | Pre-Existing Conditions | Text | BL,BS |
Description: open data swiss: COVID_19 Fallzahlen Kanton Zürich Total
Description: open data swiss: COVID_19 Verteilung der Fälle im Kanton Zürich nach Altersklasse, Geschlecht und Kalenderwoche
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Additional remark: Comparable data for the canton of Thurgau is published at
Spaltenname / Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
Week | Kalenderwoche des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) | Calendar week of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) | Zahl |
Year | Jahr des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) | Year of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) | Zahl |
Area | Kanton | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | Text |
AgeYearCat | 10-Jahres Altersklassen | Age groups (10 year steps) | Text |
Gender | Geschlecht | Gender | Text |
NewConfCases | Neue bestätigte Fälle | Newly confirmed number of cases | Zahl |
NewDeaths | Neue Todesfälle | Newly confirmed number of deaths | Zahl |
Description: Inhabitants per age category and gender.
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Spaltenname / Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
Year | Stichtag ist jeweils der 31.12 des angegebenen Jahres | The reporting date is the 31.12 of the indicated year | Zahl |
Area | Kanton | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | Text |
AgeYearCat | 10-Jahres Altersklassen | Age groups (10 year steps) | Text |
Gender | Geschlecht | Gender | Text |
Inhabitants | Anzahl Einwohner | Number of inhabitants | Zahl |
Description: COVID_19 Anteil der positiven SARS-CoV-2 Tests im Kanton Zürich nach Kalenderwoche
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Additional remark:
Spaltenname / Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
Woche_von | Beginn der Kalenderwoche (Datum) | Start of the calendar week (Date) | YYYY-MM-DD |
Woche_bis | Ende der Kalenderwoche (Datum) | End of the calendar week (Date) | YYYY-MM-DD |
Kalenderwoche | Kalenderwoche | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | Zahl |
Anzahl_positiv | Anzahl positiver Tests | Number of positive tests | Text |
Anzahl_negativ | Anzahl negativer Tests | Number of negative tests | Text |
Anteil_positiv | Anteil der positiven Tests an allen Tests | Share of positive tests | Zahl |
Description: COVID_19 Fallzahlen Kanton Zürich nach Bezirk und Kalenderwoche
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Additional remark:
Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
PLZ | Postleitzahl* | Postalcode* | Zahl |
Date | Datum des Befundes | Date of test result (NewConfCases) | Zahl |
Population | Einwohner mit Hauptwohnsitz | Inhabitants with main residency | Zahl |
NewConfCases_7days | Neue bestätigte Fälle in den letzten sieben Tagen (Kategorien) | Newly confirmed cases (Categories) | Text |
Description: COVID_19 Verteilung der Fälle im Kanton Zürich nach Postleitzahl
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
DistrictId | Bezirks-ID (BFS-Nummer)* | District (BFS-Id)* | Zahl |
District | Bezirksname* | District name* | Text |
Population | Wohnbevölkerung | Population | Zahl |
Week | Kalenderwoche des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) | Calendar week of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) | Zahl |
Year | Jahr des Befundes (NewConfCases) / Todesdatums (NewDeaths) | Year of test result (NewConfCases) / Date of death (NewDeaths) | Zahl |
NewConfCases | Neue bestätigte Fälle | Newly confirmed number of cases | Zahl |
NewDeaths | Neue Todesfälle | Newly confirmed number of deaths | Zahl |
TotalConfCases | Total der bestätigten Fälle (kumuliert) | Total of confirmed cases (cumulated) | Zahl |
TotalDeaths | Total der Todesfälle (kumuliert) | Total of confirmed deaths (cumulated) | Zahl |
Description: COVID_19 Einreisequarantäne im Kanton Zürich
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Fieldname | Beschreibung (DE) | Description (EN) | Format |
Kalenderwoche | Kalenderwoche | Calendar week | Zahl |
Einreiseland | Aufenthaltsland vor der Einreise (Risikogebiete gemäss BAG-Liste) | Country of stay before entry (risk areas) | Text |
Anzahl_Einreisende | Anzahl Einreisende aus Risikogebiet | Number of people returning from risk area | Zahl |
Description: COVID_19 Belegung Intensivpflege Kanton Zürich
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Fieldname | Description (EN) | Format |
date | Date of notification | YYYY-MM-DD |
time | Time of notification | HH:MM |
abbreviation_canton_and_fl | Abbreviation of the reporting canton | Text |
hospital_name | Full name of the hospital | Text |
current_icu_service_certified | Reported number of certified 'Intensive Care Unit' (ICU) beds on date and time | Number |
current_icu_target_covid | Target number of Covid19 patients in whose treatment a hospital would currently have to participate. (Target values are defined by the Health Department Canton Zurich together with the hospitals.) | Number |
current_hosp_covid | Reported number of hospitalised Covid19 patients on date. (These data are communicated by the Health Department Canton Zurich on weekdays, and available here: | Number |
current_icu_covid | Reported number of hospitalised Covid19 patients in ICU on date. | Number |
current_vent_covid | Reported number of hospitalised Covid19 patients requiring invasive ventilation on date. (These data are communicated by the Health Department Canton Zurich on weekdays, and available here: | Number |
current_icu_not_covid | Reported number of hospitalised non-Covid19 patients in ICU on date. | Number |
current_icu_service_certified_operated | Reported number of currently operated certified 'Intensive Care Unit' (ICU) beds on date and time | Number |
source | Source URL of the data reported. | String |
Note: ZH data is deprecated (2021-02-12) - this resource will not be updated further from 2021-02-12 as the week of 2021-02-15 will be used to analyse the completeness of the collection of available data and adjust the approach to which VOCs are tested.
Since 2021-02-19 FOPH publishes data for all Cantons ("virusVariants",
Variants of concern ('VOC') can not be detected by 'rapid' tests, but can be detected by PCR tests. Virus mutations are classified as being of concern because, among other things, they are more infectious than the wild type of the virus.
Description: Ressource: "COVID_19 PCR-Tests und besorgniserregende Virusmutationen im Kanton Zürich"
Spatial unit: Canton Zürich
Format: csv
Fieldname | Beschreibung (EN) | Format |
date | Date of notification | YYYY-MM-DD |
new_pcr_pos | Number of newly positive PCR tests | Number |
new_voc | Number of newly detected variants of concern ('VOC') | Number |
Robert Salzer on Twitter:
Zeno Davatz on Twitter:
Daniel Probst on Twitter:
- github-repo
Andreas Pfeuti
Alexandre Kuhn
Open Government Data Basel-Stadt on Twitter:
Marc Doerflinger on Twitter:
Many thanks for the great work!