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Required Metadata

tsimon edited this page May 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

This page describes the minimal amount of metadata a source must provide for each entry and where to store them


This data is required (also from a technical perspective), otherwise the entry won't be imported


The id of the source entry, can be a string or number. This id must be unique and stable in order to re-detect previously imported entries. Provided via method getId()


A hash value for the current status of this entry. Requried to detect if an entry has changed during the last run. Usually, this is some kind of lastModified timestamp. If you don't have anything from your source, consider creating a md5sum over your whole entry data. Provided via method getHash()


The title of the entry. Provided via method getLomGeneral() as title


The description of the entry. Provided via method getLomGeneral() as description


The keywords of the entry. They are not bound to a specific valuespace. Provided via method getLomGeneral() as keyword (Array)

(Only required if you don't provide a description, otherwise optional)


The (http) location of your material. Provided via method getLomTechnical() as location. Please also provide the mimetype via format, usually it's fine to use text/html if you provide a HTML Page