This repo is designed to help Windows or Mac users get a dev environment up and running quickly using Vagrant.
- Install Virtualbox, Vagrant, and Git.
- Vagrant commands need to be run from an Administrator terminal on Windows.
- Start the box with the command:
vagrant up
(inside this directory). - Wait for the installation to finish...
- Profit!
The setup should create a new local directory /openfoodnetwork
, which will contain the app files. This will be synced to a directory in the guest box.
The vagrant box will start up a Rails server and make it available at localhost:3000
on the host machine.
Once it's set up you can change into the /openfoodnetwork
directory and set it up for working with github:
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global "YOUR NAME"
git config --global ""
git remote add upstream
git remote add origin
The following commands are useful for managing your virtual server with Vagrant:
# Shut down the VM:
vagrant halt
# Restart the VM:
vagrant reload
# Delete the VM:
vagrant destroy
# Retry the provisioning (setup) stage:
vagrant up --provision
You can also connect to the VM via SSH using the command: vagrant ssh