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Creating new components

jibees edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 1 revision

At OFN we now create components with ViewComponent ( and we develop it with Storybook ( This wiki page is here to explain how it works, and what is the workflow of component creation.

Create a component

Lots of convention and explanations are described here, on the official doc of ViewComponent:

Basically, we create component like this:

rails generate component ComponentName title --sidecar

This will generate a component:

  • named ComponentName
  • with one attribute title
  • assets will be stored in a component_name_component folder.

This will create 3 files:

  • app/components/component_name_component.rb: the code of this component
  • app/components/component_name_component/component_name_component.html.haml: the template of this component
  • spec/components/component_name_component_spec.rb: the spec of this component

Add story of this component in Storybook

Write a story

Stories must be placed into the spec/components/stories folder.

Here's an example for the new component created with two stories one testing with short text, the second one testing with long text.

# spec/components/stories/component_name_component_stories.rb
class ComponentNameComponentStories < ViewComponent::Storybook::Stories
  story(:with_short_text) do
    controls do
      text(:title, 'OK')

  story(:with_long_text) do
    controls do
      text(:title, 'This is a long text')

You can find more example on how to write stories:

Link this story with Storybook

We use to create links between ViewComponent and Storybook. view_component_storybook provide an helper to create this link. Simply run:

rake view_component_storybook:write_stories_json

To create stories in json (which will be gitignored) that can be handled by Storybook.

Run Storybook and view your stories

Once stories are created and transformed into json, simple launch Storybook to view it:

yarn storybook

Enjoy! 🎉

Capture d’écran 2021-04-22 à 10 57 01

NB: The web application must be running to serve the assets and the components

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