This is an example node application that implements sgID's OAuth2 API.
npm install
- Generate a client with the redirect_url=http://localhost:10000/callback
- Add the client into the corresponding server db(be it dev, stage or production).
Instructions for both actions can be found in the README doc in the sgid-server repo ( Note: If you are running in dev, it is assumed that you have properly set up sgid-server on your local machine beforehand. If that is not the case, follow sgid-server's README to complete setup before doing so for sgid-test-app.
- Refer to .env.example to create .env file
- The following variables should be set with the generated client's values in .env:
- private key
- client id
- client secret
- scopes
- Start nodemon by running
npm run dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:10000 on your browser. It should look like:
- The "Login with Singpass App" interacts with the production sgid-server, whereas the "Staging" and "Development" links interact with the staging server and the local server respectively.
- To test the sgid-test-app further, utilize sgid-mock-extension (